Chapter Six

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 We were all gathered around the dinner table. The reporter, Roshe, babbled on about the large increase in Thanatos. We all just nodded, already knowing it.

He shot me several looks, but his gaze mainly settled on Ange. Her and I's features were too similar to dismiss. Roshe realized this.

"Do you and Angelique know each other?" He eyed me suspiciously. I nodded my head, offering a bashful smile.

"I know of her. The Queen's Egg, right? Angelique." I shot her a curious smile. "I'm Oni, interesting, isn't it?"

Nyx toyed with his long fingers. "Oni means demon and Angelique is an angel." He looked at me knowingly. "It's almost as if it's fate."

I ignored his sick humor, "I was here to make a request for Farian." Nyx nodded for me to go on. "As Roshe said, the Thanatos population is increasing. I've been trying to terminate all of them as best as I can, but I'm a one man pack."

They looked at me then, all of them. "You wish to join us?" The redhead asked. I bobbed my head and felt my face flush..

"Obviously you can't just let me in, but I could help. They call you the Aube Hunters in the papers." My eyes found their beautiful blue eyed opponent's.

Nyx started chuckling and I wanted to punch him. "I'm being serious. I want to join you." I started playing with my hands, glancing down at my lap nervously.

"It's all I'm good at, being a hunter I mean. If I'm in a group I can slay more." I can get revenge faster. My gaze shot over to Ange.

"That's a bit sad if that's all you're good at." Rayne spat. I could tell he didn't favor me a bit.

"Calm down, Rayne." Nyx said, he voice strangely alluring. "We're down a man right now, actually. So it'd be wonderful if you'd join us. We are setting out tonight for a thanatos terrorizing a farmhand and his wife. Only two need to go though." He smirked at me. "This'll be your initiation."

I shot daggers at him. My initiation should've been saving Ange last night, not killing a lone Thanatos. Pouting would be useless though. "Fine."

                                                                                                   *          *         *

Roshe was permitted to stay at the house as long as he gave us information on Jinx. Jinx was a weapon created to destroy Thanatos. I thought it was ridiculous. It causes more destruction than the Thanatos it kills.

The Aube Hunters were invited to watch the presentation later today. Nyx kindly invited me and I complied. Mise well see what could possibly wipe out my job.

We left at noon for Farian but Rayne said he had a bad feeling about it.

The time to get there was full of silence. Only Ange chattered on about how she was going to meet up with her school friends tomorrow.

Finally we arrived in one piece. It looked as though the entire town had gathered for the event. I guess they were tired of relying on the Hunters.

I searched for Mrs. Taya, my adoptive mother or Yamashita. I found her flour caked face in the crowd and looked to Nyx.

"Can I go see someone really quick?" He followed my gaze to Mrs. Taya and nodded. "Thank you." I said as I scampered off towards her.

When I reached her, my heart lurched. She was thinner, her face gaunt. "What happened?"

Angelique's Forgotten Kin (Neo Angelique Abyss Fan-Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon