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Picture of Zoë Ray

To say that I got any sleep, would be a total lie. My mind kept thinking about Noah, what will he do today? Where will he take us? Will what happened yesterday at Derek's happen today as well? So many questions were running through my mind I probably only got 3 or 4 hours of sleep before I woke up, sweating like a pig. Damn you, sickness. It was already 11:00 am now and I was staring at the ceiling, listening to music. I sigh as I get up, my clothes were sticky from sweating, I felt so disgusted as I got up and decided to take a shower. I go into the bathroom and take off my clothes, deciding to weigh myself. As I put the last of my clothes in the bin, I turn on the scale and inhale deeply as I stand on it. The numbers go up and down, last time I weighed myself was before I went to the hospital, I went from 115 to a 100, which was totally under weight. The numbers go up and down, down and up till it reaches the unfortunate number. 97 pounds.

In 2 days, I've lost 3 pounds.

I need to start eating more.

As I look into the mirror, I see my stomach sinking in my torso, and my ribs were showing out even more, bulging out. My hip bones were more prominent now, showing up like sharp corners, my thigh gap reached 2 or so fingers apart. My gaze falls on my face as I see my cheekbones even more prominent, and my cheeks are hollow and sinking in my face.

I have to start eating more. Soon.

I sigh again as I get in the shower, turning on the hot tab. I feel the sticky feeling rinse away with the water as my tense muscles relax. I start washing my hair with my favourite raspberry shampoo and conditioner. After I washed my body and hair, I get out and wrap a towel around my body. As I head to my room, I hear my phone ringing, I wrap the towel tighter around my body as I go and look at the I.D.

'Noah Black'

I look at the phone weirdly as I answer.

"Hello?" I say.

"Sunshine, good morning, how are you today?" He says, too much enthusiasm in his voice.

"I am really tired." I say, as an evidence I yawn as he chuckles.

"No, no, you shouldn't be, Sunshine, cause today, we're gonna tire ourselves out." He says. I sigh as I look at my closet.

"Fancy telling me what will we do?" I say. He chuckles darkly.

"No can do, Sunshine, just get dressed into something comfortable and I'll come pick you up in 15, okay?" He says.


"Later, Sunshine." He says and then hangs up. I get in my closet and search for something to wear. I take out my undergarments and for an outfit a blue, ripped boyfriend jeans and a green-black striped flannel along with my black Vans. I put the clothes on the bed as I towel dry my hair. I put on the clothes, taking note that the jeans were now really baggy, even more than before, and that the flannel was now so baggy on me, so, I decide to tuck the flannel into the jeans, there, now they look better. And then I braid my long, blonde hair into a French braid. I tie the end of my hair in a black Loom Band. I put my money and my phone in my back pockets as I lift my pants up, for they have fallen a bit. I begin my journey to the kitchen, I wanted an apple or so. As I head to the fridge, I notice the note scribbled on it.


I've gone to work early. Don't forget to eat. There are painkillers and medications sent by Derek on the counter. Take them. I've written the amount you should take on them.


I look at the counter and indeed there was 2 bottles of pills. One with a when you're in pain written on it and the other had once a day, 2 pm on it. I take them both in my hand as I stare at them. I turn around and run to the room and get a small side bag and then run back to the kitchen, putting my phone and money and the pill bottles inside. I pick up an apple as I hear a knock on the door. I take a bite as I open the door, just to see it is Noah. I smile at him before taking another bite from the apple. He looked good, I thought. He was wearing a simple V-line Green Day white tee along with blue skinny jeans and a black converse. Even if it was simple, he totally killed it.

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