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*So sorry for the short, late and crappy chapter.
Next chapter will probably be in Noah's POV;-)

If I weren't in this situation I was in, I would've laughed at my expression.

I was staring wide eyed at Noah, who was still lying on his stomach, knocked out in the doorway of my front door. What the hell happened to him? Who beat him up like this? I sniffle due to my fever as a honk of a car from afar snaps me out of my trance. I shake my head lightly before kneeling down, cursing a bit as dizziness hits me as a wall of bricks. I grab his upper arms and attempt at pulling him inside. Key word; attempt. He was like a ton of bricks, but instead of bricks, they were muscles. I breath heavily as I drop his arms, he barely moved 5 inches, but it was enough to close the front door. After closing it, I turn back to Noah, who was still lying on the floor in front of me, passed out. I sigh before pushing myself down yet again and grabbing hold of his arms; putting my arms under his armpits and pulling him up a bit before pulling him to the living room since it was the closest room to me. I groan as I finally reach the couch.

"Gosh, you're heavy." I mumble, looking at his face while he was lying on the floor. I sigh as I lower myself again and put my arms again under his armpits and pulling him up with all my weak arms can get me. I set him on the couch, then pull his legs up so that he was lying on the couch. Finally, I adjust him, my breathing was heavy and deep. I take a glance at him and try not to cringe. He had bruises all over his face and his abdomen (which was visible because his t shirt was torn), he had that gash over his chest and his knuckles were bloodied. I sigh as I sit down on the coffee table, what will I do now? His chest was still dripping blood that he left some drops on the floor when I pulled him, also staining my hoodie. I snap out of my trance when I notice the blood still going down and I rush into the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit and then rushing back down to Noah. Putting the first aid kit on the coffee table, I kneel down beside Noah, opening the kit in the process. I take out some a pair of scissors and cut the t shirts he was wearing. I cringe again as I look at the cut, it was a 14 or so inch cut that went from his right collarbone and till the left side in his rib cage. I take out some cotton balls and take out the bottle of salt-diluted water that mom kept in the kit. I used to be so clumsy when I was young that I always came back from the garden with a cut on my forearm or a scraped knee, so, she made me this and told me to put some on my wound before covering it if she wasn't here, since I know an antiseptic or rubbing alcohol was very strong on the skin and ruins the healing tissues.

Thank God I paid attention in First Aid class!

I put some of the water on a cotton ball and hold my breath as I begin moisting the wound with it. Thankfully, Noah doesn't wake up. I continue moisting the wound, hoping it's not infected. Finishing it, I begin drying it before putting some cotton rolls on it then putting some plasters on them to keep them in place. Once I am sure they are not going to fall when he wakes up, I begin inspecting the rest of him. I grab a cream from behind me, and then start rubbing it on his bruises, first the ones on his face. As I keep rubbing it on his face while going down to his arms, I start to think,

What in the frickin' hell happened?

Did he rob some store? To get the money?

Ugh! This is all my fault, I am so stupid.

Finally recognising it, Alexa? Finally! My conscious screams at me.

Oh, shut up!

I turn my attention back to Noah, the cut was still bleeding but not as heavy and his face was covered in cream. I sigh again as I apply the cream on his abdomen, trying to ignore that weird feeling of touching a six pack. But, you can't blame me, it was as if he was sculpted! I finally finish his abdomen and then finish his knuckles, before getting up. I head to the bathroom and put the first aid kit back into place and taking a small towel with me. I then lead myself to the kitchen, taking from their cloth then wetting it then taking it along with some bags of frozen peas since I didn't have ice bags. I go back and find Noah still knocked out cold on the couch, I sigh, feeling a wave of coldness rushing over me, causing me to shiver. I totally forgot I still have my fever, and all this moving must have intensified it. I place the stuff on the coffee table before crouching again next to Noah. Grabbing the cloth, I start cleaning him from the blood and dirt, avoiding his chest but cleaning his stomach since his skin already absorbed the cream I applied. I cleaned him before putting the towel on his abdomen then placing a large bag of frozen peas on it, then placing one one each of his hands over his knuckles. I was about to take my hands away from the bag when he stirred slightly, grumbling something but then stilling again, but that didn't catch my attention. A stack of money fell out from his knee pocket as he stirred, falling at my feet. I stared at it weirdly, then leaning down and grabbing it, and then counting it. I know it wasn't my business but I just had to. Finishing counting it, I find out it was merely a 400 bucks. Questions buzzed through my head.

Did he fight again?

And what fight would only cost him 400 bucks?

Why risk it for such a little cost?

Is it because he hadn't fought in so long?

Ugh! Again, it's always my fault.

I am not gonna even talk or comment this time. My conscious hisses at me.

Okay, you need to shut the hell up!

I sigh as I leave the stack of money next to him, then I grab the wet cloth, going to the entrance of the house and start scrubbing the still-drying blood drops which were on the floor. I start scrubbing then furiously, begging them to come out. Mom could and will kill me if they don't come out. Finally clearing the floor from the crimson liquid, I head to the living room and grab the stuff I used, returning them to the kitchen and putting everything into place.

As I head to the living room, I see that Noah doesn't have a shirt on- due to me cutting it to reach the cut- and I mentally groan, heading up the stairs to the my room. I open my wardrobe and grab a spare blanket I had at the lower shelf. I head back down and go to Noah, seeing him, I unfold the blanket and put it over and wrapping it tightly around him then putting a pillow under his head. I then remember I didn't put something cold against his face for the bruises on it, so I groan quietly as I head back to the kitchen, grabbing another cloth and wetting it lightly, before heading back to the living room and putting it over his face. I squeezed any excessive water from it so I know it won't drip ilon his hair or anything. I sigh as I look at him. He looked so tired even in his sleep, so tired to even stir slightly.

Another cold shiver snakes its way through my body and I shiver yet again, heading over to the window and closing it tightly. Even the light summer wind brought shivers to me, even though I am wearing a hoodie.

I can feel the dizziness and the headache of the fever hitting me like a roller coaster, making me feel a bit nauseated. It wasn't even 5 seconds later before I hurried to the bathroom and started vomiting. Thank God I had my hair up.

When I finished, probably 5 minutes later, I flush the toilet then rinse my mouth off and brush it lightly with my spare toothbrush I have in this bathroom before dragging my legs to the living room. Seeing Noah in the exact same position I left him. I pull the chair we had in the living room and adjust it so it was in front of the coffee table and facing Noah. I then slump into the chair and let out a much needed, tired sigh. My vision was already blurry and I felt as if my world was spinning. I glance lightly at the clock, seeing it was already 2 am.

Wow, I spent 3 hours mending Noah! I'd suck at being a nurse.

I chuckle mentally before resting my back on the back of the chair then spreading my legs in front of me. Quickly slipping into the quiet, dark slumber.

I never knew if I'd slept or if I'd passed out, but either of them was welcomed in that moment.

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