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"Exactly three weeks."
"We can't wait any longer, Mike." Sam stared intensely at the photos on her palms. One photo contained her and Josh, embracing each other on the school campus, weeks before the twins incident. She could remember [Y/N], laughing crazily, grabbing her phone as she took the picture.

"Say cheese!" [Y/N] told them, taking the picture.

The other photo on her palm showed a [Y/H/C] haired female with her arms out wide like she was embracing the world. Sam could see the smile that was plastered on the female's face. The scenery behind [Y/N] was full of rusty tan rocks. Sam smiled, recalling the trip, they went to a canyon close by the town.

Emily was whiny all the way there, Jess ogling out of the car window, the twins chattering to each other, Mike ogling Emily, Matt's loud yet adorable snores, and of course Josh's unavoidable body language, he spent the rest of his time there talking to [Y/N], the way he moved around her as they walked on the rocky surface was a spectacular thing to see for Sam. She couldn't help but smile at her two close friends.

A vibration in her side pocket disturbed Sam from her flashback, making her put the pictures on a desk next to her.

"Who is it?" Mike asked from across the room.


"I don't think it's a good time for him to know that—"

"He has been calling everyday Mike. I can't keep dodging his questions every time I answer his calls."

Sam's thumb linger against her phone screen. With a tap she pressed the red button, Chris' photo disappeared immediately.

"You did the right thing."

"Did I?" She asked herself, her blue eyes looked up from her phone to look intensely at Mike, "Did I?"

"I don't think Chris would like to know about his is sister missing from her crazy trip to find her boyfriend, who is probably dead."

"Mike!" Sam hissed.

"Yeah. That went too far." He scratched his back of his neck awkwardly.

Mike then took a seat on Sam's chair, he brushed over his dark hair. Sam's apartment is a mess.

Misplaced items scattered all over the carpet, it was like a war zone, with a bunch of unclean dish ware in the unused sink. 'Sam really let herself go with the whole Josh and [Y/N] thing,' Mike thought.

"Everyday I think," he heard the blonde struggle with her words, "I think that it's my fault."

Mike could see Sam trembling, her leg slightly shaking. He wanted to get up and hold her, reassure her that they might find them—no they will find them.

"I should had been closer to him, Mike."

Mike's lips started to move, "You are close to him, Sam, he trusts you more than anybody else in our group."

"No. Not close as [Y/N]. But I thought, I thought that I got through him," she lowered her head, "but I was mistaken. He was off his meds and I didn't know! I was so blinded! So blinded.."

Sam felt two arms wrapped around her form, a chin on top of her bright hair. Quickly she returns the embrace. She could feel the hard surface of Mike's chest against her watery cheek.

"Thank you Mike."

"Anything for you Sammy."

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