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       "Miss. [L/N]. Its time to wake up." A voice said suddenly. The voice dragged [Y/N] out of the darkness that consumed her. Her eyes fluttered open to see a woman's smile above her, "Welcome back to the living." The woman told her.

      "What?" She tried to ask but she was interrupted.

      "No sudden harsh movements Miss. [L/N]. Its bad enough that you were unresponsive for six days."


"Tragic. Yes. You were unconscious for six long days. Officer found your body within the arms of a male—Joshua Washington? I believe. Anyways, you are lucky to be alive, Miss [L/N], your injuries were very serious; broken ribs, internal bleeding, claw marks?, and a puncture lung." She said monotonically. "You should be happy that the hospital workers and I helped you. Imagine the tragic faces of your family and friends if they hear that you submerged from your injuries. That would be terrible." She rose an eyebrow when she saw [Y/N]'s confused face.

"I talk too much? Don't I? Oh well." She turned to check [Y/N]'s IV. "I am Doctor. Smith."

[Y/N] let out a big sigh of relief when she felt a sudden warmness come over her. The pain she felt after waking up started to disappear in seconds, "What did you put in my IV?" She slurred out.

"Morphine." The doctor replied. "Better have you ease up than in pain." She turned to face [Y/N] with a warm smile.

"Where's Joshua?" Her own voice sounded foreign for her own ears! But heck that morphine that is rushing in her felt good.

"He was at the hospital. After his surgery, the hospital transferred him to a better place."


The brightness of the doctor's face dimmed down, "I can't say. With your injuries..."

[Y/N] sat up, "Where's my boyfriend?" She tried to sound threatening but tiredness in her mind only made her mumbled the words.

"Mental hospital..." The doctor looked at the floor sadly, "That's where I will be sending you later today."

"I'm not crazy." 'Nor isn't my boyfriend' [Y/N] thought.

"The things the police officer saw, they are things that aren't good for a person to see." She grasped [Y/N]'s shoulder and pushed her gently back onto the bed, "It's in my recommendation that you will have your mind evaluated, Miss. [L/N]."

"Hmm?" [Y/N] moaned out. Her eyes become heavy. She couldn't hear the doctor, she only saw her moving lips, felt her soft hands on her forehead, and the brightness in her loving eyes. [Y/N] blinked. Everything blurred, soon the woman disappear from her vision then her surroundings. A rush coldness embraced her as everything turned dark.

Mental Hospital

"Hello Joshua Washington." A man with chestnut hair, grim features, and oval body shape looked down at him.

Joshua looked back at him for a second then turned back to stare at the white wall in his 'room'.

"The nurses told me that you won't take your pills. Are your sisters not letting you?" The man asked.

"They are not real. They are not real." Josh repeated the words like a prayer.

"Now be a good boy and take those pills from the table. If I come back, and your still sitting on that chair, there will be a problem." He hissed out the last word.

When Josh heard the slammed of the door, he turned to look at the white colorless pills.

He walked over them and grabbed one. The texture rough and round. The lack of color is what caught Josh's eyes. It reminded him how life is now..a colorless world..with no joy..with no [Y/N].

"Take it and you won't see us anymore Josh." He soon heard the ghostly whisper of his sister Hannah against his left ear.

"Don't you like hearing us? Seeing us? Don't you miss us?" Another whisper—Beth said against his right ear.

He wanted to scream yes. He wanted to fall down on the floor and bawls his eyes out until he couldn't feel anymore. But he didn't.

He just stared lifelessly at the one pill that lay in his palm. It was when he heard an awful scream that sounded way similar to one of his friends is when he dropped the pill.

"Don't touch me you bitch!" Josh ran up to the window to see Jessica kicking one of the male nurses in his manhood.

"Jessica?" He looked down at the courtyard to see the messy blonde hair and thin body battle against the hold of the nurses.

He couldn't hear what they were saying anymore. Benefits of living in the third story floor.

His green eyes stared intensely at Jessica's trashing form. She kicked another nurse—this time female at the boobs, used her other foot and kicked a brunette at the face. It was until an old doctor came running across the courtyard to Jessica. Is when Josh noticed that she moved more urgently.

Josh couldn't risk going down there. With all those security? He wouldn't make it.

The old doctor injected something in Jessica's neck that made her stop moving. With a sigh Josh closed the curtains. He will find Jessica. She's the last person he knows...

Wendigo Josh x Reader | Until Dawn |Where stories live. Discover now