One year after • Smut

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Joshua Washington let out a prayer as he took a glimpse of his girlfriend twirling around in red lace lingerie. He couldn't believe how this situation happened. It all started with a friends gathering in their shared apartment now he's stuck with an obvious boner and his wrists tied against the bed headstand.

"It's going to be fun" She said, minutes before pushing him onto the bed.

"Are you ready?" She said. The smirk she gave him was strong enough to make his cock twitch in anticipation.

Josh nodded vigorously. His girlfriend, [Y/N] freaking [L/N], sexily crawled on top of the bed in a very slow pace. "Are you trying to murder me?" Josh groaned.

"I'm trying to set the mood. Clearly, you ruined it." Josh couldn't help but let out a giggle when he saw his girlfriend's eye roll. "Seriously, I don't even want to get the bone zone anymore!" [Y/N] remarks.

"If I wasn't tied up, I would take you here and right now. But whose fault is it? Not mineeeee" he teased, pulling on his restraints, "I would be more passionate and dominant. Making you moan all night while Chris hears from downstairs."

"Ugh. Don't mention my brother when we're doing this" [Y/N] tugs on his shorts, pulling it down. She raised her eyebrows, "Pineapple boxers?"

Josh rose his chin up with pride, "You got a problem with it?"

She shook her head with a giggle and then cupped his balls through his boxers.

"Oh-OH." Josh moaned, thrusting his hips to her hand, "a-ah feels so good."

She loosened her grip. Josh face now red and his lips moist from his tongue, "you're such a tease. You know that?"

[Y/N] got up to the drawer and brought out a pair of scissors. Her face was full of mischief when she came nearer to him.

"You are fucking kidding me. No! This is my favorite shirt! Why didn't you take it off before tying me up." He tried to block the scissors but his hands were tied.

"I haven't planned this through. I can't untie you now. " she started to cut his shirt. "I'll buy you a new one.

"I love you and I hate you in the same time" he awed as he watched his shirt being cut open.

[Y/N] laughed. How can this woman be so diabolical and amazing at the same time? Josh couldn't comprehend it. Either way, he's going to show her how much he loves her tonight.

[Y/N] held quite still, and after a moment Josh chuckled and said, "You're so beautiful. Do you even know how amazing you are?"

She gave him a genius smile and got on top of him. Josh shivered when he felt her nails being dragged across his naked torso. The feeling of her on top of him was amazing. It felt electric and execrating but he wanted more. He wanted her naked skin against his, the feel of her wetness in his hand, and the taste of her.

"I need to feel you" he said finally. Slowly, [Y/N] took off her lingerie with a glare that made Josh wriggle against the bed.

Her body glimmered with sweat. Josh let out an inhuman sound when he felt her wetness on his stomach.

"I swear if you don't take off my boxers, this is going to end before it starts."

[Y/N] rolled her hips one more time before crawling down to Josh's boxers. "Do you need me?"

"Oh god yes." He said, his eyes rolling back when he felt her palm him again. [Y/N] pulled his boxers down to his ankles, which he kicked the boxers to the floor.

"I need you now." Was all [Y/N] said before climbing back onto his lap and lowering herself onto his twitching cock. Josh pulled against the restraints and let out a loud dirty moan.

"O-my god. [Y/N] you're so tight. So wet on my cock." He unintentionally let out a few thrusts but [Y/N] pushed him down with her hands.

"You're here to enjoy the ride." She said as she let out a few bounces. When he had quieted from his moans he reached for [Y/N] and pulled her down to his chest. His dick popped out audibly and he clung to her, as if to maintain their connection. Their sweat dripped down and the moans of his girlfriend invaded his ears—his freaking senses. All he heard were her tiny gasps and whimpers as she bounced on his cock harder and faster.

"I'm close" She said after a few more bounces. Josh only replied with a moan. [Y/N] then bend down to brush her lips against Josh's mouth. His moans were silent by her plump lips. She bit his bottom lip as she spread her hands on his chest and bounced in a faster pace. Her orgasm coming in a blaze. Josh watched [Y/N]'s head thrown back as she let out a moan. With one more bounce, Josh came with a cry. His body convulsed as he came inside of her.

"Good thing you're on the pill" he said, a few minutes after, gasping. [Y/N] only hummed against his chest where she laid.

"It would be a good time to untie me now...." Josh felt the vibration of her laughter.

"I kinda like you all tied up, Mr. Washington."

"Pretty pleaseeee" he bashed his eyebrows.

"Fine." [Y/N] untied him. "I need to learn how to not fall for you."

"That's impossible Miss. [L/N!]"

"Blah blah..."

Before Josh could pull a blanket over them, the door opened.

"Guys I'm trying to sleep downstairs—HOLY COW!" Chris covered his eyes with his hands, "[Y/N]- I'm sorry. Oh g-god have mercy on my eyes. You guys can continue after I leave. He stuttered.

"We already finished, bro." Josh smirked.

"I'm out. I'm going to bleach my eyes. Bye." Chris slammed the door closed.

"Really Josh?" [Y/N] said as Josh pulled her under his arm to cradle her.

"I just had to...."


A/N: hey guys! I hoped you liked this short one-shot. My first time writing actual smut 😂. I read a lot of smut (EVERYDAY) but never wrote one. Also, I've been really sick lately, I have pneumonia and a stomach infection. I feel like I'm dying and my birthday is in one days (kms). I always feel better when I write so I decided to write this SPICY chapter. love you guys!

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