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[Y/N] couldn't help but laugh when she got caught butt naked in Josh's room. When the nurse opened the door she immediately dropped the tray of medicines. It's not like her and Josh needed the meds. The nurse's mouth formed an 'O'

"I'm sorry! Oh god!" [Y/N] remembers how the nurse covered her eyes, "why aren't you in your room!"

Ever since then, the doctors made sure that [Y/N] and Josh were separated in the nights but that didn't stop some rather interesting occasions in the janitors closet.

Weeks later, Josh's parents showed up to discharge Josh out of the facility. At first Josh fought his parents to leave him be but he finally gave in when they told him that they will discharge Jess and [Y/N] as well, of course with the girls' parents permission.

"I miss gym." Chris said randomly, his arms were around Ashley.

Josh gasped, he looked like a fish out of water, "You said GYM! Not climbing class! This is an improvement."

Mike rolled his eyes, he sat rather too close to Sam. [Y/N] gave Sam a knowing grin which made her roll her eyes.

"They say a couple who rolls their eyes stay together." Chris blurted out.

"That's dumb." Jess replied, her body pressing against Matt's toned form.

"Don't blame me. Blame the internet." They all sat in the Washington's reconstructed lodge in the forest where it all started.....

The end


A/N: Well that's it my beautiful people. This is my first book that I ever written and completed! I will like to thank each and one of you who read this book. I really appreciate it 💕
Love, Janel

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