Chapter Four

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Anna fervently rolled up her thermal bag and started loading her pack. They were up before the sun was. She expected the events of today would be long and arduous. They ate breakfast silently. They were dressed much lighter than previous days. The combined warmer temperatures and expected physical exertion would keep them warm today.

When they were ready to depart, Garret simply looked at her with questioning eyes. Her eyes locked on his and she winked. Garret smiled, turned and made his way north. Dawn was almost here and they were already moving.

* * *

Bear snapped awake from another nightmare, knowing something was wrong. He lay on his mattress, peering at the darkness through his window. A wan and somehow menacing light emanated from the east. Sunrise was still an hour away. He tried to persuade himself to wait until the sun was up, but his reoccurring dream was so clear. His purpose was just as clear: he had to leave immediately.

He dressed in cold weather gear and knew he wouldn't need any provisions. This was contrary to established knowledge and methodologies, but he knew he had no need for such things. He left his village quietly and started walking south. He knew that very moment would be the last time he would cross the threshold of his domicile.

* * *

The Firehole River provided the easiest, most direct route to Upper Geyser Basin. The snowpack was the thinnest Anna had seen since their expedition started. When they started following the river, it wasn't much of one due to the lack of water, but the closer they got to their target, the more it resembled an actual river. High concentrations of boron and arsenic made them apprehensive of refreshing their water supply while skirting the river. The major obstacle between them and the basin was the Kepler Cascades. Fortunately once they reached Lone Star Geyser there was an old biking trail leading to Highway Eighty-Nine. This highway would give them access to most of the geothermal features for their research.

The trek was silent for the most part. Garret studied the landscape with interest, stopping periodically to stare intently at some something interesting. Anna felt ineffective, not contributing much to their research. Garret's specialty was geothermal and volcanology; hers was weapons development and power distribution systems. She had given up a lucrative research and development position when they married so she could be with him on various expeditions and research projects. She dreaded following Garret around the globe, but she knew it was her duty.

She expected a more substantial stop at Old Faithful, but Garret stopped only long enough to see an eruption, then started towards Castle Geyser.

* * *

Bear was making good time. His travel south was unimpeded by geological formations. After an hour he looked over his shoulder and stopped. His village rested in a crater and a field of pure white snow with concentric circles emanated from that crater. This zone was forty kilometers in all directions with an unbroken landscape devoid of rocks or trees. The only breaks in the snow were his footprints - forming a straight line cleaving the field in half. The isolation of his village surprised him initially and he thought of the rare time he had left the village on an educational field trip. He recalled his studies in geography. His village was between Livingston and Gardiner, Montana. He had never met anyone from either of those places, probably because his elders discouraged communication outside of the village to the point of xenophobia.

He resumed his southerly trek, expecting to reach Gardiner by nightfall. He didn't know what awaited him there, but there he would go.

* * *

Anna was confused. She had expected more research and studying, but Garret only stopped briefly at each geothermal feature. During the course of the day they had, by Anna's calculations, already left the Yellowstone caldera. They made their best time along Highway Eighty-Nine despite Garret's frequent stops. They were now at Steamboat Geyser. Garret was surveying the area looking for a place to make camp. Anna sat staring south at the geyser's venting. She had to admit she was disappointed with most of the geysers she had seen today. She had expected violent eruptions like Old Faithful, but most just dribbled poisonous water and gas.

They made camp north of where Anna was sitting. The raising of the tent, stowing gear and eating their evening meal was accomplished in an almost robotic manner. Another day was drawing to a close.

* * *

Bear stood in a glade of trees at the northern border of Gardiner, Montana. The town was completely deserted. He wanted to explore the town in the morning. Tonight he climbed one of the trees, curiously leaning south, and immediately fell asleep. He was fortunate that the tree had several gnarled branches forming a perfect platform. His reoccurring nightmare greeted him immediately.

* * *

Anna and Garret lay on their thermal bags. She began calculating again – tomorrow wouldn't be as difficult, it was less than twenty miles from their camp to Mammoth Hot Springs. Her maps showed Roaring Mountain and the Obsidian Cliffs en route, but she didn't expect Garret to be interested in either feature. Her calculating was interrupted by Garret's voice.

"Ready to turn in? A lot to do tomorrow."

"Mammoth Hot Springs?"

He smiled, "Doing your homework, eh?"

"I need to do something! I feel useless on this expedition..." Her voice faded and her face displayed dismay and helplessness.

He moved quickly to her side and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Not useless at all. I need you. I couldn't do this without you."

He stroked her cheek and placed his hand over the chain around her neck. He kissed her again. She pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around him. When his hand wandered under her shirt and slipped up her midriff to cup her breast she squeezed him tighter. When they broke apart he looked into her eyes, eager, but questioning. She nodded and lowered his hand to her waistband. Disrobing was quick and efficient. They were tired from the long day, but passion overrode exhaustion. Moments later he was positioned above her, forearms framing her head. She took him in hand to guide him in.

As they made love in a tent not far from Nymph Lake, in a frozen wasteland where few dared to tread, neither knew this would be their last coupling. In a few days one of them would be dead.

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