Chapter Fifteen

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"The elder council requests your presence!"

Willow froze in fear. She nodded and the messenger turned and sprinted away.

What does the council want with me?

She knew she hadn't spoken her desire to leave aloud. Her brain reminded her she had thought about it earlier. She tried to disregard the thought – it was ridiculous to entertain the idea of the thought police. Nonetheless, she was worried she might have been found out.

The elder council was housed in a northern building. Making her way there, excuses for leaving the village formed and disbanded in her mind. She knew no excuse or logic path would satisfy them.

Their village wasn't very big – they expanded it when needed. The last expansion had been ten years ago. That expansion had increased the village proper to about a four-block radius. Previously, the elder council was the northernmost building. Now another block existed north of it.

Time to face the music.

She gripped the door handle, inhaled deeply and stepped into the elder council chambers. Inside, she was surprised to find the council chambers empty except for a lowly assistant.

Exhaling, "Where is the council?"

"Follow me please, the council awaits downstairs."

"Downstairs? I didn't know there was a downstairs."

Scowling, "How impertinent of you. It is not my place or yours to divine the elder council's wishes. You were summoned, so please follow me."

Willow followed the assistant – she was in unfamiliar territory. Ambling down several hallways, the assistant motioned towards an open door and stepped back.

Inside, Willow witnessed a level of technology she hadn't expected. Strange instrument panels blinked, viewing screens displayed information. The council members gathered around a central display.

Barely a whisper, "What's going on here?"

The looks she received from members of the council were of disappointment bordering on pity. The eldest of The People spoke. "There are those of us who believe your presence here will cause more disruption than any assistance you can offer."

Willow leaned forward. It was imperceivable to most, but the slight bow of respect was automatic. She responded to the challenge immediately as to not show doubt. "Mistress, I live to serve The People and the elder council."

Waiving a dismissive hand, "I know you do. I also know the pain you harbor since Bear left. I know you are familiar with the history of The People."


"What is Bear planning on doing?"

"Bear? He wanted to see the world. Live a life outside the village."

"Does he have malice toward The People in his heart?"

"Malice? NO! Bear loves The People and he loves me. What is going on?"

"Our ancient vessel has been breached and systems are activating. Sensors indicate access to the power core."

"What does this mean?"

"The power core provides us with our way of life. Not only does it power our devices, it is integral to our belief system. We can only pray Bear's intentions are honorable."

"Bear wouldn't intentionally harm us."

"We shall soon see," a light on the panel began blinking, "the core room has been accessed."

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