Chapter Sixteen

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It taunts us, whispering from beyond our perception. It keeps us wishing and wondering. Deep in our soul we gather comfort from it. At the same time, we're afraid to admit – it fills us with impending dread. Some people choose to accept it and integrate it into their persona. Some people fall into depression, a shadow across a normally sunny soul. Clergymen discuss it at length – giving hope to the masses. It has been called many things: the great beyond; the undiscovered country; eternal rest. It has been said to be the only constant in the universe.

My body is dead.

The thought was unnecessary; Bear, disembodied, surveyed the scene with an emotional detachment. He saw Garret clutching his lifeless body to his breast - blood soiling his face and jacket. He no longer felt the pain from his mortal wound. A warm blue light filled his being. He felt Willow's presence below the elder council chamber. He felt Garret's confusion, sadness and betrayal. He felt Colonel Mathers' frustration.

Anna was something different entirely. She was consumed by love, but her actions were not loving. Bear held no malice toward her; he felt love from The People – the same love Anna felt. Bear was saddened to see love overpower Anna; driving her, she gave herself completely to that love.

Is this what madness is?

He felt first hundreds, then thousands of souls. Millions followed by billions. It was overwhelming at first, but he began to make sense of the noise. He felt a welcoming – secure in his knowledge of his place with The People – a feeling waning in recent days.

I must warn them!

He felt an immediate response. Child, we are aware of the danger – join us.

We have to do something!

We are doing something. We accept our fate.

Will we cease to exist?

Child, the soul cannot be destroyed. We are eternal.

Switching tactics, Bear pleaded, Help my friend Garret!

To what end?

Do I need a reason to preserve life?

You must convince The People to act.

* * *

Tears streamed from Garret's eyes, mixing with the blood on his jacket, "Anna! What have you done?"

He laid Bear's body on the deck. He tried to stand, but a gesture from Anna's gun hand was enough to stop him. He dug the sphere out of his pocket and held it aloft for Anna to see.

"Is this worth killing for? I will never let you have this!"

He slammed the sphere to the deck in an attempt to destroy it. He raised his hand to slam it down again, but a sharp pain radiated from his shoulder. He looked past the smoking barrel of Anna's handgun. Time slowed to a crawl. He was able to examine each second laid out before him. He saw her depress the trigger once again. The soft click it made echoed in his ears. Flame spurted from the barrel, letting loose the deadly projectile. His eyes tracked the bullet until they crossed and the bullet was doubled. This doubling lasted for an infinitesimal moment before he saw nothing at all. He felt his grip on the sphere fail.

* * *

Anna stepped towards Garret as the sphere fell from his hand. He slumped to the deck, lifeless. Eyes open, terror and sadness. She dropped the gun, stooped to retrieve the sphere and stepped over the bodies of her former companions.

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