Chapter Six: The Park

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[Harry's POV]



Friday, 5:00 o'clock sharp, Louis picked me up from my small house to go to the park.

His car was small and black, and was in pretty good condition.

I made my way to the car and got in on the passenger side. His car was thankfully very organized and clean, opposed to most teenagers' cars. He greeted me and we drove off. Louis informed me that we were meeting his friend there. Apparently he's very nice and friendly, but who knows when he meets me.

We had small talk while we drove. Apparently his friend, Niall, went to his old high school. They were close, but Louis had to move. They kept in touch, and plan on meeting up every weekend. I admire their friendship, considering I've never even had one... I guess Louis counts though.

My nerves rose as we pulled into an empty parking spot at the park. I hated meeting new people. I know I'd just turn into a complete stuttering mess when I introduce myself to Niall. He'd want nothing to do with me.

Besides that, the park was Beautiful. Pathways lining a small river with naked trees scattered about. You could see your breath, but with a nice warm jacket, it was perfect. A very light layer of frost covered the ground, making a crunch sound when you walked across it.

Parks never really bothered me. I liked parks, quiet and beautiful. As long as there weren't any loud annoying children, I was fine.

We stepped out into the chilly weather, causing me to zip my jacket up further and pull my sleeves down, for more then one reason.

Louis and I walked down the pavement. I smiled at the breeze that hit my cheeks, turning them pink.

I couldn't help but admire how gorgeous Louis looked. He was wearing a white sweater that was way too big for him, dark Jeans, and dark blue Toms. He was stunning against the brisk air. His brown fringe blew in the wind as we walked, and his cheeks were rosy.

I wished he were mine.

[Louis' POV]

Harry and I walked in silence on the pathway, letting the cold consume our thoughts. Harry had his hands stuffed in his pockets as we walked. He looked really good. His pale skin was in contrast to his dark hoodie that covered his brown locks. His dark pants fit perfectly with his grey converse. I didn't want to admit it, but Harry was beautiful.

No, I couldn't admit it. That would be wrong. Harry is just a friend.

But, I couldn't help but notice how Harry walked in a straight line, avoiding all the cracks. I watched as each step hit the concrete, followed by the next in the exact same spot.

When I first met Harry, I knew something was different about him. I thought he just had a slight stutter at first, but realized after he pushed his chair in three times in the library that Harry might have OCD. That was later confirmed when I saw him do more little things like that, pointing to only one explanation.

I didn't say anything of course. I watched him carefully, wanting to understand him better. Harry couldn't have a crooked pencil in front of him or he'd go mad. He couldn't just turn on a light once; he had to do it over and over again.

Even through Harry was different; I could'nt help to stay away from him. I've found out how funny he is, and how nice he is.

On some days, if his OCD was bad, he'd be quiet, and not want to talk. So, we wouldn't talk. I liked it either way. I just liked Harry.

OCD ➳ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now