Chapter Sixteen: Friction

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Harry's POV



There was just so much noise. So much noise and I just wanted it to stop, for good, maybe.

My step dad and my mother got into another drunken fight, and all I could do was pray that it would end soon.

The ball I was curled into wouldn't last forever, that I knew, but I didn't move from my position on the bed. My hands were covering my ears, attempting to drown the sounds, but it wasn't helping. From downstairs,

I could hear they're yelling. I hated when they fought. Not because I had any compassion towards either of them, but because it interrupted my much needed thoughts.

At some point I heard Robin hit my mother, which I suppose is pretty awful, but she does the same to me, so how is it any different? Their yells were horrendous. I just wanted peace and quiet, but when did I ever get what I wanted?

I know I started to cry after awhile, which I didn't really understand. I needed to do something with my brain, count or write or sing, just something. But every time I uncovered my ears to at least try to do something, Robin would be shouting insults towards my Mum, or vise versa, and my brain became clouded and I wanted to scream.

I ended up counting the swear words they threw at each other. One 'fuck', two 'fuck', three 'fuck'... When I got up to 25, I was at the verge of sleep, and I finally gave in. Sleep was comforting, and I was probably entering a dream when my bedroom door crept open.

I instantly knew it was my Mother. Her quiet cries were distinctive. At first I was scared and wondered if I should stay still so she thought I was asleep, or run as fast as I could away from her awaiting grasp. I ended up going with the first option.

My bed dipped in the corner, which I knew was my Mum sitting on the edge of it. Frozen, I stayed quiet, hoping she'd leave. My thoughts were altered as a hand ran through my hair, a soft, sweet hand. I was momentarily confused, and then freaked out, and then overwhelmed with how many germs were on that hand that was slowly caressing my curls, until I heard the faint sob of my mother echo through the dark room. She wasn't there to hurt me, that I knew.

Her hand ran through my fringe slowly, as she shook with a sob. She stayed there for only a few minutes, stroking my head of curls, crying softly, until she left. But before she exited my dark cave, I heard her mutter a soft "Love you", which I said nothing back to.

I laid in silence for awhile, shocked and confused, but at the same time, warm. Sleep yet again wove it's way into my system, and I collided with the dream world.


Louis POV

His hair was styled into his normal fringe, a soft smile on his delicate, pink lips. I wanted to feel those delicate lips against my own. I pulled him over to me, until our lips were only inches apart. "I love you," I breathed against him, before crashing our lips together, finally having enough of the torture. He smiled into the kiss. "I love you too," he said, biting my bottom lip ever so lightly. He began planting kisses against my neck and down my collar bone. Pulling off his shirt, I yanked on his hair, wanting every part of him. My shirt was off soon, too, leaving us shirtless and breathless, our bodies tangled in each others. Suddenly he flipped me so I was on top of him, and he kissed me deeply, slipping in his tongue. Fumbling with the button of his pants, I heard a faint beeping noise. Ignoring it, I continued my task, only for it to be sounded again, only louder. Beep, beep, beep.

My eyes shot open. It took me a moment to collect myself fully from the dream before I turned off the annoying alarm. Laying in my bed, I realized what happened. The first thing I realized was the growing pressure in my pants, and the second thing I realized was the dream was about Harry.

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