Chapter Eleven: Moving on

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Louis's POV



As soon as those words left my mouth, I regretted them. Harry retreated his hand from my desk, rubbing it with his other hand where I hit it. Oh no. I messed up. I actually touched Harry... For the first time... Ever. But he didn't even seem care. His eyes were locked on mine while a rush of confusion and hurt filled them, causing them to become glassy with tears. I wanted to tell him that I didn't mean it, that I just didn't want a repeat of my old school, but nothing came out. Harry looked so hurt. He waited for me to say something, but I didn't. I cleared my throat and looked away, holding back the tears I felt.

I've ruined the one thing in my life that was good... besides Niall.


Harry's POV


I didn't want to go to the library. Not because Louis would be there, but because I knew Louis wouldn't be there. I couldn't will myself to go in there knowing I wouldn't see him.

I knew it would happen. I knew Louis would realize how worthless I was.

You deserve this

How could I be so dumb? Someone so sweet and funny would never want to friends with me, and they especially wouldn't want to be anything more.

I was a fool.

As I walked into the library, my heart sunk. No one was waiting for me.

I sat down, pulling my chair in and out at least three times, and took out my phone. I stared at the screen, wanting more than anything to see Louis' name pop up and a sweet text message to follow, but nothing ever did.


Louis' POV


I'm a complete idiot. Harry hated me, and it was my fault. I shouldn't have done it. As much as being bullied sucks, losing a friend is worse. But I continued this 'new look' all day. A few people stared as I walked down the hall, used to my normal flamboyant look.

Ignoring the library, I walked into the lunch room for the first time all year. I had to admit, only eating two meals a day was starting to wear off on me. The reason I did it was for Harry. He instantly had this... effect on me... but now that's all gone.

The cafeteria was packed. Kids hung around the large rectangle tables, chatting loudly and eating their lunches. I definitely prefered the library. Not knowing where to go, I began to trot around the large space, being mindful of the crowds of teens that seemed to capture the whole area. I began to walk to the back, where I saw an empty table, when a hand grabbed my arm, turning me around.


"So, you've taken my advice?" he more stated than asked, letting go of me and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes," I replied shortly after, not making eye contact.

He chuckled softly. "Good," spoke Zayn, his bitterness disappearing for a second.

As I began to turn and continue walking, he pulled my arm again. "Ay, where do 'ya think you're going?" he asked, not sounding rude or nice. He started to pull me over to the table he must sit at before I could answer.

He wants me to sit with him? I didn't know whether to feel honored of disgusted.

Disgusted, because you should be with Harry, not him.

But I followed. I sat next to him and Liam. I listened to their conversation and started up some myself. They were surprisingly... cool. But I shouldn't feel that way. They're bullies. They're the kind of people I ran away from, and now I'm hanging out with them...

"So, you're not hanging with that freak, Harry, anymore?" a girl with blonde and pink hair spoke, I think Zayn had called her Perrie.

I flinched at her usage of words, but nodded. No, you're not Louis. Because that's what you got away from at your old school. You can't get wrapped up in people like Harry or it would be like you never left that hell.

Zayn smiled at me as if to say 'good'. I didn't want them to think I gave up Harry for them. I didn't. I gave up Harry so they wouldn't hurt me... but isn't that the same? No. No it's not. Harry has other people, he doesn't need me. I have to move on.

Even though he does.




Sorry. This is really short and has a butt load of mistakes. My sister forced me to get off and I couldn't edit/finish it.

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