Part 3

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I laid back down on the beach and started to whimper at the burning sensation coming from my neck. I tried looking at it but all I could see was my enflamed skin and some dried blood. It just made my tears fall harder. I heard footsteps approaching but I was too busy crying to care. When the footsteps kept coming closer, I opened my eyes and spotted a man walking towards me. I couldn't help but stare. He was gorgeous with his very tanned skin with golden, light brown hair. His body was muscular and toned with little tufts of curly brown hair across his chest and stomach. He was only wearing black athletic shorts.

He crouched next to me and helped me sit up as he examined the bite wound. I had no idea what the hell he was doing but I couldn't look away. I was completely captivated by his delicate eyes looking directly into mine. It felt like he was staring into my soul. He seemed to be searching for something but a second later, he dipped his head to my shoulder and started licking the bite. It gave off a searing pain at first but soon started to tickle. I even giggled a bit.

I wasn't prepared for the immense pleasure that hit me in waves. I couldn't help but moan out and start wiggling away from him. I couldn't handle the pleasure but his arms unexpectedly captured me to hold me still as he continued to seal the bite. Somehow, he went from sitting next to me to laying in between my legs. I didn't even realize that I was grinding myself into him as his lips started kissing up my neck to my lips and I couldn't help but give in.

He worshipped my mouth as he ground his pelvis into mine. I latched on to his neck and weaved my fingers into his shaggy hair. I could feel myself building along with my moans but I couldn't help but be loud. This stranger was giving me something I had never felt before and I wanted more. As I writhed beneath him, my breathing was coming faster in pants and I was becoming desperate for a release. I could feel my insides tightening and he knew I was close because he started grinding into me harder and faster. I could hear him groaning and it just made me hotter. I could feel him poking me through my underwear and it just made me hotter. He ran his tongue over my new mark causing me to explode. I soared onto cloud nine as I held his body tightly against mine. I was completely immersed in the amazing feeling that spread throughout my entire body. It made my toes curl and my fingers dig into his muscular back. I could feel him slow to prolong my climax as long as possible.

When it was finally done, I let my arms drop limply on the sand as I tried to slow my breathing. The stranger rolled off and laid next to me. I turned to look at him and saw him smiling up at the sky. He was quite beautiful to look at and I couldn't help but stare. He turned to look at me when he felt my eyes on him. I noticed that he had kind eyes. People were deceptive and could smile all they wanted but their eyes gave them away. He gave me a questioning look before propping his head up on his elbow to stare back at me. I asked the first thing that I could think of, "Who are you?" He smiled at me before saying "I am from a neighboring pack. My name is Gerard. Your Alpha was kind enough to meet with me about discussing my joining this pack."

I snorted about the Alpha comment but kept quiet. I looked out at the pond and could see all of the teenagers still over by the lake. I was relieved about that; I didn't want them to see such an intimate moment. I felt something light tickle my face and when I looked back at Gerard, I realized his fingertips were caressing my cheek. I couldn't help but lean into his touch. I was amazed when I could feel the sparks.

Gerard smiled when I shivered from his touch. His smile was quite hypnotizing because he had two slight dimples on his cheeks. I couldn't help but want to lick both of them. I could see that he was in his late twenties or early thirties. He was a man not a boy looking to become one like Owen and his friends, like the Alpha. "What's your name?" He asked me softly as he moved his fingers down my throat. "Scarlet." It came out as a breathless whisper because I found it slightly difficult to pay attention with his hands on me. He smiled and nodded. "It suits you. Do you want to tell me what happened to you?"

As the memories of earlier hit me, my pleasure-induced amnesia shattered. I sat up and took a deep breath. I didn't really want to talk about it but I figured that I could trust him. Something about him made me believe that I could trust him. "I found my mate." I expected Gerard to say something, anything. I didn't know what I expected him to say or if anything he did say could make me feel better. He instead remained silent so I continued. "He didn't officially reject me but he knows I'm not good enough for him. I don't know why he marked me but I didn't want it. He just left me."

Gerard sat up and pulled me into his lap. He started kissing my neck and mark to sooth me. I don't know how but I could feel the tingles where his lips met my skin. My heart warmed when I looked back at him. Almost like he was- "Because I'm the one who cleaned your mark, we're temporary mates, so to speak. Your mate should have done it so his DNA resonates inside the wound while it heals. Now mine is. Although, I'm not sure if it will stay that way or once it completely heals, my DNA will disappear."

I never knew that. Then again, no one ever really took the time to explain the specifics of mates and everything that comes with that. "I can't say for sure though because this is rare. I've never heard of someone else sealing a mate's mark so I could be wrong. This is my best guess." I nodded. His voice had this calming effect that I supposed only a mate could have. Owen only yelled at me and there's nothing calming bout that. Just thinking about him made my blood boil.

Gerard shifted me so I was sitting sideways and able to look at him face to face. He looked down my body and started delicately touching my bruises and scratches. He looked back up at me with a puzzled look. "How old are these?" He asked while pointing to the random bruises. I shrugged because I honestly didn't know. "They're older than a day?" I nodded, wondering where he was going with these questions. My bruises usually didn't heal for a couple days at least but I didn't keep track of them. They were always regenerating because I would get beat again so it didn't really matter.

He stood up with me in his arms and set me on my feet. He stroked my cheek while giving me a worried look. "We should go see the pack doctor about this. You should've healed by now. Your wolf should've healed these by now. If you're old enough to have a mate, then you have shifted. This isn't normal for a werewolf to not heal." I wanted to protest but I wanted to know if he was right. I'd seen many weres heal from terrible injuries rather quickly but why was I stuck with these pesky bruises? I had never really thought about it. Or just pushed it off to the fact that I was Omega.

While in deep thought, I didn't register he'd cupped my cheeks in both of his hands and kissed me. I smiled and reciprocated. His kiss felt passionate and almost loving and I couldn't help but lean into him and give him complete control. This is how I'd imagined finding my mate would be. Obviously not the whole Owen situation but the feeling that someone cared. Gerard had known me mere minutes and had cared more about me than people I'd known my entire life. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him to me. His hand slid from my face to around my back. My body started to heat up again but was quickly cut off when I heard growling from behind Gerard.

Without warning, Gerard was ripped out of my arms causing me to stumble forward but I caught myself from falling. My eyes flew open to see Owen punching Gerard in the face over and over again. I screamed for him to stop but he just growled loudly. Gerard grabbed his hand when he tried to land another punch and broke his wrist. Owen growled loudly but it didn't stop him from pursuing Gerard further. Gerard made it back on to his feet but made no move to hit Owen back.

I ran in between them and pushed Owen back. He could ignore my screaming but he couldn't ignore me when I was right in front of him. He tried to push me to the side but I wouldn't have it. I kept pushing my way in front of him until I finally had his attention. I could tell his wolf was at the surface because I could see his black eyes and his claws were growing out. "Gerard, go back to the pack house. I'll meet you there later." Gerard tried to argue with me but I cut off his plea and yelled for him to go. He finally listened and made his way down the path towards the pack house. I figured that since I was his mate, I would be able to calm him down. How wrong I was.

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