Part 8

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When he was finally done, he let me clean myself up in his bathroom and I went back to my room. Gerard was waiting for me on the bed when I got back. "Hey, I was wondering when you were going to be done cleaning." I went directly into the bathroom and vomited. I locked the door behind me so Gerard kept knocking on the door asking if I was ok but I just ignored him. I felt too dirty to look at him.

Nothing really was vomited up besides water because I hadn't eaten anything for a couple days. I just wanted a reason to brush my teeth without being questioned by Gerard, that and the fact that I was freaking out about having to sleep with Damien to be with Gerard.

I brushed my teeth at least three times before finally opening the door to deal with Gerard. He crushed me in his arms and kept asking questions about how I was doing. "Gerard, I'm fine. I just wasn't feeling well but I feel better already. I swear." I wrapped my dainty arms around his middle and squeezed to reassure him. I needed to reassure myself just as much as him.

He seemed to accept my answer because his muscles loosened and he kissed my forehead. "Hey, we made a deal last night. We're going to go see the pack doctor, ok?" I went to protest but he beat me to it by laying his long finger on my lips to silence me. "You promised me. I'm worried about you and I want you to be checked out. Please don't argue me on this." His eyes bored into my own practically begging me to concede. I couldn't help but to let him lead me to the pack doctor.

When we got there, we could see a small pup getting his knee patched up. I had only been to the pack doctor as a child a couple times. This was a completely different doctor. She was a woman that seemed to be in her thirties. She was quite beautiful with shoulder length black hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail. She looked very professional in a plum colored skirt and a white lab coat.

She seemed to smile a lot for the boy so I had hope that she would be nice to me. I was very antsy while we waited and Gerard could tell. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and brought my chin up to kiss him. I gave in willingly and let him calm me. My wolf was still sad about Owen but I could tell she was starting to warm up to Gerard because as his lips melded to mine, she was purring.

I heard a throat clear and I pulled away from him to see the doctor giving us a disapproving look. I looked down in embarrassment. She started right off the bat, "My name is Sheila, and I am the pack doctor. What can I do for the two of you?" She looked between us, waiting for a response.

Gerard stepped up "Scarlet needs to be examined." We walked into the office behind her and Gerard shut the door. The doctor went over to a file cabinet and started to look for something. "What is your last name?" I replied quietly "Montgomery." I sat at one of the chairs by her desk while Gerard stood behind me. She started to shake her head as she started to scour over the numerous files. She opened the drawer on the bottom but quickly closed it and turned back to us.

"Well, I can't seem to find a file on you anywhere which tells me that you haven't been to the pack doctor for at least a decade." She said. I looked away and shook my head. I wasn't really allowed to when I became omega; not that I ever needed to. I didn't hurt myself a lot cleaning; even when I did, I took care of it myself.

Even when I was hurt by people bad enough to go, I just tried to suck it up. I didn't want them to know how weak I was or that they had hurt me. "I became that pack doctor after my father stepped down ten years ago and have never seen you in here. Why come now?" She asked. She didn't seem angry or concerned, just blank.

I took a deep breath, deciding that I should tell her not Gerard. "I found my mate yesterday and it didn't turn out well. I just want a checkup. Will you do it?" I looked at her and saw that she was watching me closely. Her vision switched to Gerard before returning back to me. "What do you mean that 'it didn't turn out well.'?" I just wanted to get up and leave.

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