Repeating the past

119 39 6

Don't ask how am I
I'm just gonna cry
I'll smile outside
But gonna die inside

I'll let God kill me here
From death I have no fear
Something bad is near
Let me make my self clear

Life is what i don't need
Here see me bleed
Death is not what i want
I need to change my font

Now i don't want her
But i need someone for sure
I want to live a little
Cuz my life is just a spittle

Something bad will come
But i am not done
Fight it i can
If she says when

Don't thank me man
It just a sacrifice again
Yes i did it before
It damaged my core
But I've stop the war

I didn't win
I didn't losed
Another chapters fin
Fin that i choosed
I did no sin
But God refused

Give me a reason why
Why should i cry
When everybody stares
When nobody cares

5 times it drums
By old bums
Working for crumbs

The sound makes you week
Finds your answers you seek
From now on she is gone
So i made this song

I'm Nobody, I'm Everybody Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt