How the journey was

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It was so beautiful between the stars
They are more beautiful when you look through these bars
I wanted to see how far I came
Then someone pushed me and took my name
Falling down, falling on my back
With a feeling in my stomach
This isn't good this is really bad
Imma lose everything but I just saw what I had
My stars going further away
I miss them already what can I say
This world pulling me hard
Where is my angle? Where is my guard?
Blue sky consuming around the circles edges
Oh Lord they're burning to ashes
White dots they cry, my homes tears
Left alone with my fears
This feeling burning in my chest
But I fell cold please put me to rest
I'm so close to the ground still trying to reach them
My prayers will just condemn
Oh I'm falling faster than sound
Hitting so hard I went underground
Pulling my self together
In pain that hurts so much, these scars are forever
I guess to some it doesn't matter
So I escaped in the ocean, mindless
Here is no success
But here I also found stars with my friend
When I couldn't take it alone she gave a hand
Now on the ground
I wanted to put out this burning cloud
The one it was about is nowhere to be found
Now looking at my stars, they're turning black
In the mirror just a bloody wreck
So after all this time
Pulling myself up through the rhyme
Pushing those feelings far away
I guess being in love has a price to pay
I let them go cause the just brought misery and pain
Just a little boy call me insane
Can we build the friendship again from the ashes that remain

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