Burning black

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This world with no smooth edges
Walking, living, becoming these ashes
Sky's burning black
And sea is burning too
Their little white tears are reminding me of you
To go away cuz there's nothing else to do
All I can see is myself going cruel
How did I become a jerk idiot an arrogant fool
I was red feeling blue now I'm going brown
All this anger is looking for a crown
I can go back if someone could make me remember
Who I was who I wanted to be and with who forever
I know it's now clever
But I miss the times I miss my friend
There can be a new season after the end
Tears in my eyes but my blood is on sand
I feel me going cold
I don't want to let everything go
I don't want to forget how to hold
I feel that my soul has been sold
I can't play my cards cuz I want to fold
I can't forget cuz my memories are gold
All those days will live as stories untold
For you they're probably just a wreckage
I'm that waste with that damage
And I love looking into the stars
There I see the beauty of my scars
Memory is the key the only thing in which I believe
But I can only hope for you to never leave

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