I'm weird...sorry...

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I'm sorry for being weird
I'm sorry for trowing away those years
I guess it's my time to go now
I don't know what to say and how
With a decapitated ghost
Who did it? The host!
Yeah I have secrets no-one knows
Cuz some friends turned to be foes
I have some friends that I will fall with my eyes closed
I own my death cuz I don't have a life
When I was a kid I used to sit down and play with a knife
Until a friend gave me a toy
First time I felt like a little boy
Ik things...bad...yeah I did some
Some things...good...I got none
Well what the heck
Love? Sorry didn't heard of that
No! Not from the other side
I guess that's how I ride
I will go away but I'll be back
Unless I snap my own neck
Lots of eyes watching me but I wanted to look at yours
But I didn't know demons come in hordes
Maybe I wish to die cuz I'm being punished
This character is at his best just rubbish
In a bad world I entered
Worst than a hazard
Going places
Making cases
I like it when I'm in the middle of nowhere
Cuz I'm not aware
What I lost back then out there

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