''it ain't gay. it's just a bromance.''

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As Kousuke and Jackson walked to Kousuke's family home, Kousuke's little sister went running up to them. "Brother!!! I thought you weren't going to come!! I'm so glad you're here!! " Kousuke looked down at her and smiled.
"Yea I'm here. Where's mom?''
"She's in the house. "
"Ok. Jackson, wait out here I'll be right back. "
Jackson released his grip on Kousuke's arm and nodded. To be honest he really didn't want to be left outside with his sister because he's kinda scared of her.
"Hello sir. Who are you?'' Jackson looked at her with wide eyes. He was never good with kids.
Miyuri looked at him confused. "Are you or are you not going to answer me? "
"Miyuri leave him alone, he obviously doesn't like you. "
Jackson breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Kousuke's voice behind him. Miyuri looked at him with a disappointed look and walked away. But before she was completely gone she turned around looked Kousuke dead in the eyes ad said. "I call dibs if you lie one finger on him I will destroy you!'' Kousuke just shook his head and laughed it off.
"You wanna get some food?'' He asked Jackson.
Kousuke dragged Jackson to the food table and gave him a plate. They both got what they wanted to eat and took a seat at one of the empty tables. Not long after, Kousuke's mom came out of the house with drinks in her hands.
"Oh! Jackson I'm sorry. I forgot to ask if you drank alcohol.''
"Yea. I drink. It's fine.''
"Ok great. "
She set the drinks down on the table and went back into the kitchen.
"So...what was my sister bugging you about?''
"Oh. Um. S-she just wanted to know who I was. "
"She's troublesome, isn't she?''
Jackson just looked down at his food and nodded.
"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's eat!''
The two dug into their food like wild animals.

After the two finished eating Miyuri went up to them and told them that her and her friends were going to be in the pool, and they should go join them after the food settled.
"And I have a strict pool rule for guys. " she said
"Oh yeah? And what's that. " Kousuke asked
"No shirts allowed. "
Kousuke and Jackson looked at eachother then back at Miyuri.
"Alright then... Um Miyuri are you sure you want that rule to be enforced? "
"Yes. " she responded in a sassy voice. There was an awkward silence for about 5 seconds before Jackson asked the dreaded question:
"Why? "
Miyuri's eyes went wide and her pupils dilated twice their size. She pounced on Jackson's back and said 

"Because then how else am I going to see your abs and your chest and your deltoids and your biceps and just every muscle in your body that was obviously carved by an angel or something because OMG!!! "
It took both Jackson and Kousuke a moment to process everything she had just said. Then Kousuke exclaimed
"Wait, how the hell you know what a deltoid is?!?! Aren't you like...7?! " Miyuri smiled and turned her face the other way as to say. I'm better than you! She walked away after that and got back into the pool with her friends.

"So. You wanna get in the pool?''
Jackson didn't answer. He just looked at Kousuke from head to toe. He then poked Kousuke's chest.
"You've put on more muscle since the last time I touched you. Have you been working out? "
Kousuke looked away to hide his blush.
"Yes, I'll get in the pool. "
"Ok then. What are you waiting for? "
"Nothing, let's go. "

They got into the pool and immediately, Miyuri was on Jackson. She jumped on to his back and wouldet let go till he promised to give her a ride across the pool.

"Please!!! Just once?! "
"Fine. Only once. "
"Yyyyyyaaaaaaayyyyyy Jackson-chan is going to give me a ride! "
After he gave her the ride across the pool he swam back to the ledge he and Kousuke had been sitting on. They sat there for a while just talking about growing up. When they didn't have to be looking over their shoulders every 5 seconds for fear of being caught. They sat there for around 30 minuts before they ran out of shade.
"Well I'm gonna get burned. " said Jackson
"Well why do you have to reflect light? "
"Oh be quiet. "
"Ha. "
"Well you're lucky. You can stay in the sun and actually get a nice tan. "
"Meh. "
They started swinimg around. And doing laps back and forth while Miyuri and her friends jusy looked in awe.
*one of Miyuri's friends* "Wow, your brother is so hot. "
*some other friend* "Back off. I already called dibs on him like 3 years ago. "
"What do you find so facinating about my brother? I mean yeah  he has an ok face but...really? "
"HE IS HOT!! Look he gained more muscle. "
Kousuke and Jackson were over hearing the conversion. Kousuke's face was red as he was listening to Miyuri's friends. Jackson looked over at him and laughed a little. "She does have a point, you know? " Kousuke just looked away blushing  harder. "Hey look at that my brother's here.....Oh noooooo. My brother's here. "
As his brother walked in, Kousuke's(thats literally her name) looked surprised and...happy. She ran up to him and hugged him.
"Oh my goodness, Seiichi, its been so long. How have you been? "
"I've been great mom. How about you? "
Jackson and Kousuke watched as they talked. Kousuke was looking rather uncomfortable. Jackson looked at Kousuke as he climbed out of the pool.
As Kousuke stepped out of the pool he dried himself self off with a towel that had been sitting on a lawn chair. Seiichi turned to look at him, he smiled and started walking towards him to say hi. "Se-seiichi. " Kousuke collapsed on the ground. " Kousuke!! " Jackson ran up to him and shook him. "Look at me. Open your eyes god damnit!! " Seiichi just stood there unsure of what to do. Jackson looked up at him from his spot on the ground, he was still holding Kousuke. He looked angry. "Don't just stand there. " He said with a growl. "Call a fucking AMBULANCE!!!!!!!! "
Kousuke woke up in the hospital. He looked to his right and saw that he was hooked up to a heart monitor and had an IV in his right arm.
"H-hey honey. How are you feeling? " He herd his mother say. He was sitting on his left side holding his hand.
"Where's Jackson? "
"He's in the waiting room. "
"And Seiichi? "
"He stayed with Miyuri. "
"Ok. "
As they were finishing thdir conversion, a nurse walked in and said.
"Oh. He woke up? I just have to chek your pulse then run a couple tests. Then after that we can let you go. Seems like you had alot of on you. That led to over active brain activity. Bjt seems like you're doing better now. "
"Oh. Ok. But before you do any tests I want Jackson to be here. "
"Oh alright. "

After he was realeased from the hospital, his mom drive them hoe. Kousuke fell asleep on the was there. While he was sleeping, his mom started conversion with Jackson.
"So, how do yu know Kousuke? "
"Oh. Um. We're...we...we work together. "
"Oh really? "
"Yea. I've actually known him for a whike now. "
"Mhm. "
They continued talking for the rest of the ride home. When they got back, Jackson and Seiichi had to carry(yes both of them carried him even though he dosen't way much) Kousuke back into the house they took him up to his room(which now only had a bed in it) and lied him down to rest. After Jackson had left the room, Seiichi stayed behind to make sure Kousuke didn't stop breathing. Which was kind of pointless considering he only passed out for around 4 hours. It's not like he was on life support or anything drastic, but the doctor did say that he was going to be weak for quite some time.

Though Kousuke's mom insisted Jackson stay the night, he kept on saying he didn't want ti have to bother her with having to set up a futon. He continued saying he would take the last train back to Kyoto and from there he would drive back in his personal car and pic Kousuke up in the morning. Kousuke had other plans though. He asked his brother to set up a futon for Jackson next to his bed. So in the end Jackson ended up having to soend the night.
"Why did you want me to be in your room? " Jackson asked
"Because your breathing relaxes me. How do you think i was able to fall asleep in the hotel, Jackson? "
"Were you seriously watching me sleep the whole night? "
"No. Only for like 20 minuts then i fell asleep. "
"Ok you weirdo. Go to sleep. "
"But I can't. "
"Why? "
" Two reasons actually. One because if I fall asleep my sister might try to steal you. And two, because I'm cold. Like really cold. "
"Um...okay....? "
"Try againg. "
"Come here...? "
"I'll settle for that. "
Kousuke rolled off his bed, hit the floor pretty hard. He hit the floor hard enough that his mom went to go check on them(if you know what I mean ;) ). When she got to his room she saw Kousuke rolling towards Jackson. She just smiled and let them be. But unfortunately he also his the ground hard enough to wake up Miyuri...and let's just say she was not happy about it.
After Kousuke reached Jackson, they just lied there on the floor for like 30 minuts before Kousuke spoke.
"Dude. We are literally two grown fucking men. Just lying here on the floor hugging. This is so gay... Hey I never said let go! "
Jackson hugged him againg and then said with a tierd voice.
"It ain't gay. It's just a bromance. "
"What ever. Goodnight dork. "
"goodnight dweeb. "

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