Christmas with you

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~ With Keiji ~
(Bet you forgot about him...didn't you?)

Keiji was looking over the information that he and his men had managed to gather over the last couple of months. They had managed to identify the body of the man found based off of dental records that had been stolen from the police. He was 25 year old Keigo Nema, yes he did have ties to the Yakuza and the Isozaki clan...and every other organised crime group out there. He basically went with whoever offered to pay more money. The last the Yakuza had heard of him he was cutting all ties with everyone. After looking more into him, Keiji learned that he had spilled everything about the Isozaki clan to the boss man after he went crawling to the Yakuza after the Isozaki clan dropped him. "Looks like we have a snich on our hands. " he said looking over at one of his men. "What do you mean?"

"He told the boss man everything about the Isozaki clan. "

"So...what are you proposing? That the Isozaki clan killed him? "

"Maybe. "

"Well we don't know any one that can get information from them. "

"Yes we do. The son is currently living with me, and the mom will tell him most anything. "

"What are you implying? "

"We get the mom to tell him? Sneaky, sneaky man....I'm in. "

Keiji called up Jackson to ask him what he knew about Keigo. Jackson had said that the last he had heard of him he had been dumped, that gave Keiji little to go on. "Well, what else do you know?" Keiji 's guard asked. Keiji just sighed in disappointment. "He got dumped by the Isozaki, his wife was killed, he cut ties with everyone. " Keiji looked at him as the guard went over the information that was already known. "He also had ties in Puerto Vallarta, did he cut them off too?" Keiji asked. The guard looked at him for a while, "I'll check up on that."

A while after that the guard came back with the check up on his ties with Puerto Vallarta. He had worked for them in the past as an international dealer here and there, but never anything too serious. "Hmmmmmm, so the Isozaki Clan dumed him, nothing serious with Perto Vallarta, this isn't goin well. "
"Well what about the son, is he looking into it? "
"Yeah we probably won't have anything till next week. "
"So what? Are we just gonna wait it out or what? "
"I don't know, just try to get information i don't care how you do it just get it. "
"Yes sir. "

~A few days later~

Jackson had gotten some information on Keigo through his mom. She had found that he had been an informant for the Chinese mafia and had been dumped by them too. Ha had no family appetite from his wife but she had been killed. His dad had walked our when he was young and his mom had passed at an earlybage. He had turned to crime as an easy alternative to make money. It had all gone great up until his wife was killed, and now him, how much more people have to die before this crap geys solved?
After having hiven the information to Keiji, they hadent been able to get anymore from it. They were stuck and there wasen't shit that could be done about it.

With time, the Isozaki clan had confessed to the murder and the man that had killed Keigo was turned in and taken to jail. Things went back to normal after that, everything seemed to be in place. Keiji went back home and it was calm. Of course him going back home ment that the refrigerator was going to be full of protein shakes again but oh well.
Keiji 's ex had contacted him and asked to speak in private. She told him that the kid wasen't his but the boss man's. He had felt a sense of relief to know he wasen't going to have to pay child support but at the same time he was hurt, he felt betrayed, he felt anger towards both his ex and the boss man. He knew thas she was a thirsty hoe that would to anything to get with a guy that had money. And damn did Keiji have money. But we gotten learn to put the past behind us, now don't we?
Months past and soon came December. They lived in a major city and there were both advantages and disadvantages to that. For starters, the streets were fuching chaotic, there were car accidents and traffic jams everywhere. You could hear the car horns blearing from miles away. The whether didn't do much to help either, the mornings were foggy, in the evening it was either raining or extremely cold, the night was no different.
Secondly, airport's were packed. There had been atleast 3 reports of people gettin run down at airport's just so that other people to get to their flights on time.
Third, the restaurants were full. No joke, Jackson had to make dinner reservations in November to have a table for his and Kousuke's date on Christmas. But with all the disadvantages there were also some advantages of living in a big city during the holidays.  One being that the streets were brightly so you could go out and look at them at night.
A second this that made all 3 of them quite happy was that the crazy neighbor lady had gone out of town for the holidays so that meant that they wouldn't have to deal with her for a while.
Christmas day came real quick. They both got ready for their date. For once things went well. They ate dinner, went to watch a movie, and were looking at the lights as they walked down the street together. "This is nice, I with we could have more moments like these. " said Kousuke as they stood on a viewpoint overlooking the city. "Yeah.... '' they stood there for a while watching as more lights came on and the tree in the central plaza lit up. "Kousuke. "
"Hmm? "
Jackson plulled Kousuke into a kiss. After pulling away from eachother, they just stood there enjoying the warm fuzzy feeling running through them. "Merry Christmas, I love you. " said Jackson. "I love you too. "

I am so sorry that is took so long to be put up.
So to make it up to you here is a short fucked up ver of the night before Christmas.

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house not a crature was stirring not even a thought i was gonna say mouse....but you were wrong. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Omg, yes I know I'm horrible!! But in all seriousness

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