I belive in you

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It had been two days since Kousuke had been shot. The medic had left and they still had to stay in that shit whole of a hotel for two more days. They could leave on the fifth. That is of course if the entire town didn't go into lock down. "How much longer do we have to be in this hell hole? " Jackson asked as they were watching the news. "Oh my god. Stop complaining. "
"Oh my god. Stop telling me what to do. "
"Oh my god. Stop being so childish. "
"Oh my god. Fine. "
This continued on for about 3 minutes before the news cap of the shooting showed up.
*on TV*(because they have a TV with mote that one channel this time)
"The shooters from the mass murders have not yet been identified. Earlier today, the entire S.W.A.T team that was sent into one of the surrounding biulding was found after a 48 hour search. All 100 men were found dead. They will be given a proper burial on the 20th of this month. The shooters are suspected to be professional and be connected to the shooters that killed Tadashi Ayasegawa, in the Tottori prefecture. They are yet to be identified. If you have any information on any of the cases please contact your local police department. "
*end TV broadcast*
"Well we weren't caught. "
"Yeah. I know but still. We cant stay in town much longer. "
"I know. I still need to go to Tokyo...for...that. "
"But. What about your dad? Will he be happy to see you? "
"My father is a problem I can worry about later. As for his feelings, I doubt it. He blaimed me for my brother being hospitalized in the first place. " Jackson said avoiding eye contact with Kousuke. "I-I'm sorry to hear that. " Kousuke said with sympathy in his voice. "Don't patronize me. "
"Wasen't planning on. "
"Good. You should get some sleep. You have to get back as much strength as possible before we have to return to Kyoto tomorrow night. "
"You're one to speak. You haven't slept in 3 days. "
"I'll be fine. "
"Sure. Whatever. "
Kousuke rolled over on the bed so that he was on his side facing the wall. "You know, Jackson. I had never seen you so depressed before. I had never seen you cry before either. It kinda turned me on to be honest. "
"Shut up dumbass. You had seen me cry before. Go to sleep. "
"Alright. Alight. Fine. "
Jackson slipped under the covers of his bed and went to sleep. While he was sleeping he continued having flash backs of his childhood. He remembered his mother crying and his father yelling at him and his brother. He remembered that his dad was a heavy drinker and he had spent most of his family's savings on alcohol and gambling.
*flash back*
"Why did you do that?! That was the money that was going to feed your children this month! And you just spend it on your sick obbsetion?! What's wrong with you?! "
"Shut the fuck up woman! It was your fucking choice to have them. You fucking find a way to take care of them."
"I can't believe you just said th- "
Her words were cut off by his dad slapping her. "
*end flash back*
Jackson tossed and turned in his bed at the memories. He had a restless sleep that night he woke up feeling like shit. But at least he got some sleep.
They spent the morning watching different animes on the TV . They had looked up how to get the blood out of the sheets.(soap and cold water ;) ) And all they had to do now was pack their bags and leave that night.

After Jackson cheked them out of the hotel, he headed to his car. Kousuke had been putting their bags in the trunk. He tossed Jackson the keys. He started up the car and merged into traffic. "So...did she ask any questions? "
"No. "
"Okay. "
"I think that I'm going just to leave you in Kyoto and then head to Tokyo. I'll get there like at 5 in the morning. "
"Hmm. Are you sure that's going to be safe? "
"No. But, it's better to at least try to get there. "
"True that. "

They found themselves pulled over once again(no thanks to Jackson's driving.)and waiting of the officer to stroll up to the car. And an excruciatingly long 3 minutes later, the officer knocked on Kousuke's window. Why you ask? Because they were in the highway, with cars going up to 128km(80 miles) per hour. It was that same bitch that pulled them over last time. Kousuke could feel something at the pit of his stomach. It felt like hate mixed in with just a tad bit of jelousy. He let out a sigh. It tasted bitter. That is of course if sighs ussually had a flavor to them. He rolled the window down just enough to hear her anoying as fuck voice, over the sounds of the cars on the road. She went through the whole prosses of 'do you know why I pulled you over today?'
It seemed like a normal traffic stop until she returned with the papers. She handed them back and rested and arm on the car frame. "Do I know you from somewhere Mr. Isozaki? " Jackson turned as he heard the use of his last name. "Crap. " he whispered under his breath. "Um. No I don't think we've ever met before. "
"Oh sure we have! You are going to buy me drinks after finishing up your... I'm sorry what was it you were going to do again? "
"Listen I don't have time for this. " he said reaching into his pocket to take out some cash. He handed her $250.00. "Here. Take this. I won't be the one buying you drinks. " she scoffed at him and took the money. "But, why? " she asked in an anoying/over sensative voice. " 'why?' You ask? " Jackson said in a mischiveous voice. "This is why. " he said. He reached over and grabbed Kousuke by the collar of his shirt. Kousuke was in shock. Jackson pulled him close and pressed/crashed their lips together forcefully. Kousuke couldn't prosses what was happening. Try all he might but he just couldn't prosses anything. He knew what was happening, but he couldn't react as he wanted to. The cop lady stood there she looked sad, confused, and disgusted all at once. "Fine. Have a good day. " she said blunty.
Jackson merged back into the traffic after the cop lady had left. They drove in silence for about 30 minutes before Kousuke spoke. "So...what was that all about? " he asked as be turned to Jackson. He smiled a little as he saw a blush begining to form on Jackson's face. "Th- that was nothing. "
"Mhm. "
"Shut up. "
"We can just pretend you didn't just kiss me to get out of buying her drinks. "
"That seems like a good idea. "

Dont let it end this way ( ✔ Completed ✔ )Where stories live. Discover now