You came back for me...

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The next morning, Kousuke woke up in Jackson's bed. What the-? Kousuke thought to himself when he woke up and saw Jackson asleep next to him. He remembered the events of the previous night, the memory made him blush. He crawled out of the bed and went to the bathroom to shower away his sins...but things don't work that way, now do they? When he got out, Jackson was in the kitchen making breakfast. He went to the living room and turned on the television to the news station. The murder that had recently happened was blowing up everywhere because of the new allegations that it was not the Yakuza nor the Chinese Mafia that had been behind it, but a third unidentified group of organized crime. Jackson went into the living room after finishing the food. "Good morning. " he said as he took a seat next to Kousuke. "Hi." Kousuke said but he didn't take his eyes off of the TV screen. Jackson had overheard some of the news report about the possibility of a third group of organised crime and began to wonder if maybe he man killed did have ties to the Isozaki clan. "Are you gonna do anything today? "
"What? Oh yeah. I have to renew my license. You? "
"I have to do some shopping. Probably won't get back till really late. "
"You want me to drive you? "
"No, I'll just pull out another train card, it's fine. "
"Alright. I have to get going. See you later. "
"Okay bye. "
Jackson left the house after their small talk conversion. Kousuke walked to the train station office building and asked to pull out another JR card. The whole thing took about 20 minutes, after that he boarded a train to Downtown Kyoto to go to the shopping center.
When he got off the train and was walking across the platform he felt like something was off, like something wasn't right, almost as if someone was watching him in a very predatory manor. He quickly shuffled out of the train station to try to get in a more populated area. He might have just been acting paranoid. After all, it had been a while sense he had gone somewhere without Jackson. Once he had gotten to the shopping center, he went to a clothing shop and was looking through the store for a while before an odd looking man caught his attention. Feeling uncomfortable, Kousuke walked out of the store. Not even a fucking second after leaving, a burlap sack was thrown over his head, a soaked cloth was pressed over his his mouth and nose. Last thing he remembered was a female saying, "Great. Now, take him to the car. "

Kousuke was awoken by a bucket of cold water being thrown on his face. "Wake up pretty boy. If you cooperate with us we might let your boss find you in one piece rather that in bits and pieces. " Kousuke looked up and saw a man. A tall, lanky man. He was covered in tattoos and had a very deep voice. Around the room there was guards at either side of the door and three others standing around the room. Kousuke tried to move to attack the dude standing in front of him only to find that he was tied to a chair. His legs were bound with rope to the legs of the chair, and his wrists were handcuffed to the arm rest of the chair. "What is this? Restraining a defenseless man while you have at least 5 men in the room with guns and ammunition. Pathetic. " The tattoo covered man turned and looked at him with rage in his eyes. He spun around on one leg raising his other and kneed Kousuke in the gut. There was good weight transplant in the blow. It was enough to knock the wind out of Kousuke and make him cough up some blood. " Watch your tongue boy, I can make you regret your words in a matter of seconds. " Kousuke merely rolled his eyes at the remark. "That's enough Itsuki! " a female voice called from the hallway. The man who's name was apparently Itsuki gave an annoyed look and stepped away from Kousuke. As he did, the woman walked into the room. "Jessica? " Kousuke asked with a shocked tone. " Oh yeah... it's me. Now listen, I really didn't want to do this but Katsu is a sadistic bastard soooo yea.... " Kousuke looked at her and realization hit, he had been kidnapped by the Isozaki clan. He looked up and saw Jessica holding a seringe with some liquid in it. "Now this might hurt a bit. " she said Kousuke's eyes went wide as he realized the she was about to drug him. "WAIT! " he shouted. Too late, she had already injected him with the drugs. The last thing Kousuke remembered was seeing Itsuki walk in grinning like an idiot and Jessica saying "Take him to the celler. And don't fuck it up this time. "

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