[2] chosen

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- Jin's POV -


Jin and Sky were back to back, both wielding wickedly sharp iron swords. They were in the forest by the outskirts of town.

Just as Jin was slicing through a zombie, all of the mobs disappeared in a flash of cyan light.

"Uh, Sky?" Jin asked. "What just happened?"

Sky looked bewildered. He adjusted his armor. "I dunno, Jin. In all of my time as a guard, I've never seen anything like this before."

Two boxes appeared in front of the boys.

Jin looked at Sky. Sky shrugged and knelt down to pick up the box in front of him.

Jin picked up the box and opened it. Inside were three objects: a leather bracelet, a note, and a map.

Jin looked over to see Sky had received the same thing in his box, except instead of a leather bracelet, he had gotten a purple amulet.

Jin read the note first.

Dear Jin,

Please take this leather bracelet and accept your new life as one of the Seven chosen to fight the Evil. Note that when you put the bracelet on, it will adjust to your wrist. You will not be able to take it off. The bracelet is the source of your power. Without it, you are just a normal villager.

Jin, you will not see this note on any of the others' letters. It is special for you. This note is my apology. I'm sorry, for you are the Lord's son, and for that, I personally apologize. Just think, however, all of the Seven are chosen for a reason. You are special. But for your safety, as well as the other six's, do not approach your family. I know that will be hard for you, but trust me, you will be safe if you do not approach them, especially your father. The rest will be part of the regular letter. Once again, I'm sorry.

Jin, you are the Seven of Spells. Journey to the hut by the lake, and all will be explained. To enter, say, Heptad, and access will be granted to you. Good luck, Jin, the Seven of Spells.

- The First Seven

Jin looked up from his letter, bewildered. He looked over to see Sky was just as confused as he was. But Jin felt another emotion. Fear. Fear of what will happen to him and Sky.

Fear that the same thing that happened to the Arcane Seven will happen to them.

Sky cleared his throat. "So, which of the Seven are you?"

Jin managed to croak out an answer. "Spells. You?"

"Air." Sky looked at the amulet in his box. "Do you think we should?"

Jin looked down at the leather bracelet. "I mean, we don't really have a choice."

Jin slipped it on his wrist. A purple spiral appeared beneath his feet.

"JIN!" Sky yelled, drawing his sword.

"Sky, wait!" Jin cried. "I think it's doing something!"

"No, duh!" Sky looked warily at the purple spiral.

Purple crescent moons circled up and around Jin, bathing him in a purple light. The light faded and glowed again around his bracelet. He looked at it.

Sky lowered his sword. "What was that?"

Jin swallowed nervously. "I think I just got my powers."

Sky looked horrified. "And that means..."

Jin felt tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "I'm one of the Seven, now. I can never return home ever again."


- Sky -

Sky looked down at the amulet in the box. Should he put it on? He swallowed down his fear and replaced it with confidence. He was not going to break his promise to Jin's mother. Sky put the amulet on.

Just like Jin, a spiral appeared beneath his feet, except instead of purple, it was yellow.

Jin watched on, a look of both awe and fear in his eyes.

What looked like yellow lightning bolts circled around Sky, surrounding him with a yellow light.

Just like Jin, Sky thought.

The light looked like it was being sucked into the amulet around Sky's neck, fading until the only yellow light left as around his amulet.

Sky looked up, determination replacing almost every ounce of fear in his mind. "We're part of the Seven now. There's no backing out. Let's go find this hut."

Jin nodded, but then frowned. "Wait, how are we going to find this hut?"

Sky thought for a moment. "There were maps in our boxes, weren't there?"

"Oh yeah!" Jin said, leaning down to pick it up.

Sky grabbed his, as well.

There were seven dots on the map that were glowing different colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and black.

Jin frowned. "Isn't this where we are?" He pointed to the yellow and purple dots.

Sky gaped at the map. "Holy... this map shows the locations of all seven of us!"

Jin grinned. "Hey, you're right! And look!" He pointed to a white line on the map. "This must be the way to the hut!"

Sky looked at the map in awe. "This is so cool." He grabbed Jin's arm. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

Jin excitedly, albeit, reluctantly, followed his friend deeper into the forest. Away from their past lives.


[Edited 8/1/16]

Oh no! What will happen to them now that they're part of the Seven? And more importantly, who were the Arcane Seven? Why were they so bad? Why did the Lord ban the Seven?

Hope you enjoyed! Make sure to vote, comment, and/or follow!

- Phoenix

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