[17] truth or dare • pt. 2

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If you read farther down, Kane Chronicles, anybody?




- Cory's POV -



Cory felt heat rising to his cheeks as his friends "ooh"ed at him and Shelby.

He wondered dimly how he felt about Shelby.

"Okay, Shelby, continue before we all die," Ross said, grinning so wide Cory didn't know how it was possible. 

Shelby, still blushing madly, asked, "Ross, truth or dare?"

"Imma be brave here and say dare."

Shelby thought for a moment. "Um, I dare you to go up on the roof and cannonball into the lake. And allow yourself to get wet."

Ross shrugged and went outside. Cory heard a loud splashing noise. A few moments later, Ross walked in, soaking wet, his brown hair plastered to his forehead.

He plopped down next to Shelby, still dripping wet. "Jin, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Jin answered. 

Ross looked up to the ceiling, looking deep in thought. "If you were given a bow, with only one arrow, and were told to either shoot your father or his head guard, who would you pick?"

Jin grimaced. "Um, don't tell him I said this, but... I would actually choose my father."

"Why?" Nick asked.

"He may run the kingdom well, but he's not the best dad in the world. I dunno, I don't want to get into details," Jin sighed.

"Hey, if I got that question, I would choose Michael, or Red, as he calls himself," Sky said.

"Why, so you could become head guard?" Max scoffed.

"No, that would be a nightmare. It's because he gets all the credit for my work. 'Oh, good job killing the Kraken!' 'Thanks, I did it all by myself with no Second-in-Command that helped me whatsoever!'" Sky said, obviously miffed.

Jin laughed. "Dude, what is it with you and squids?"

"I just hate them, with their tentacles, and their mouths, and suckers, and ew!" Sky yelled.

Everybody laughed at Sky's hate for squids.

"Max," JIn snorted, still laughing, "truth or dare?"


"If you could trade powers with anybody here, not counting Okward, who would you trade with?" Jin asked, seeming to get a grip on himself.

Max thought for a moment, his brown eyes darting quickly to everybody sitting in the circle. "I would actually switch with Cory."

"What?" Cory asked, taken aback. "Why me?"

Max threw his hands in the air. "Dude, fire is dangerous. It could kill someone. But it's pretty cool. Your power is the coolest one that doesn't kill anybody."

"Actually, that's not true," Okward said, finally taking an interest in their game. "Cory's power may seem harmless, but no one can exist without a shadow. Shadows are not just 'tricks of the light.' They stand for everything a person's done. Their legacy. The more things you've done, the greater your shadow. If Cory has power over such things, then Cory also has the power to make a person nonexistent. Sure, people would remember him or her, but their body and soul would be gone forever."

Sky whistled. "Man, that's deep."

Okward shrugged. "Such is the power of the Seven."

"Okay," Max said slowly. He turned to Sky. "Truth or dare?"

Sky's eyes glinted. "Dare."

Max grinned evilly. "I dare you to pretend to propose to Jin."

Sky cursed. "Oh my-- no!"

Max's grin widened. "YES!"

"Fine." Sky turned to Jin and batted his eyes in a sappy manner. He got down on one knee and said, "Jin will you marry me?"

He didn't sound very convincing.

Jin mockingly put his hand over his heart and replied in a high-pitched voice, "Oh Sky! Of course!"

Everybody burst out laughing. Cory decided to speak up. "That was so sappy I want to throw up."

"Same," Max agreed. "I suddenly regret daring you to do that."

"Well, now it's my turn, and we can finally get this over with," Sky said. He turned to Cory. "Cory, truth or dare?"

"Truth, 'cause I'm lazy," Cory yawned.

"Do you like Shelby back?"

"Holy fudge-- do I have to answer that?" Cory asked desperately.

"YES!" everyone, except for Shelby, yelled.

"Now answer!" Sky shouted.

"Fine!" Cory threw his hands up. "I..."



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