Chapter 14

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"No." I repeated, a bit stronger this time. He raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow, his red eyes going a dead black rapidly.

"No?! NO?! You dare defy me! I am your mate, your superior!" He booms and everyone jumps a little, except me. I would not be submissive again. Not ever again.

"No! No, because I am not an object! No, because I am not something to be owned! No, because you are not my superior!" I say back, firm and unyielding. He steps back from me, studying me head to toe.

"You are my mate. You belong to me, you are my woman. You will be with me." He states. I shiver a little and flush slightly but hold my ground.

"Perhaps. That's something we should discuss after you calm down and after Jane and Demetri help me settle in." I say and Demetri takes my bags from the floor and holds them.

"No! He will not go near you or your room! You will be in my room with me!" He roars angrily and I feel fear tickling my mind. Not of him, but of the future I will have to hold with him. It's so unfair.

I cannot deal with another Edward. Another controlling monster who gets angered easily. I refuse to believe that Aro could be my mate if he treats me like a lesser being.

"Yes he will! And I will not be in your room! I don't know you!" I exclaim, getting upset. Jane senses this and brings a hand on my arm.

"Master, perhaps she could stay in my room." Jane suggests gently, her head bowed. Aro contemplates this slowly before shaking his head.


"Aro!" A new voice booms, "Please be sane! The girl wants to be with someone she is familiar with." Marcus, I note, is the one speaking.

"She can become familiar with me." He says flatly and I sigh. I came to Italy for this? This horrid excuse for a man?

"Not if you keep acting this way. I'm done. I'm going to Jane's room and if you have a problem with that, I'm leaving." I say and he snarls.

"You will not leave me." He commands.

I almost want to cry at the cruel fate I had been given. Aro is just a mask for Edward. The same personality in a different body. It disgusted and repulsed me. He stepped closer, his black eyes reminding me of Edward and I could almost picture the newborns that killed my father as I look into Aro's face.

"Stop it! Stop, stop, stop! Jane I need to go! I'm sorry, I can't do this!" I cried out, my breath coming faster and faster. I was beginning to hyperventilate and I needed out. Jane hugged me, pulling me close to her.

"'s okay, come, I will carry you to my room." She lifted me up and whizzed out of the throne room in a blink of the eye.

I was placed on a luxurious bed with silky sheets but I couldn't enjoy it, not with my heart beating this fast and my racing with horrifying thoughts.

"Bella, Bella, tell me what's wrong! What can I do to help?" Jane pleaded and I tried to use my voice but couldn't. So Jane stroked my hair until I fell into a restless slumber.

When I awoke, Jane was sitting beside me on the bed, and my luggage was in the corner of the room.

"Demetri brought it for you." She explained, following my questioning eyes to the bags. "Are you ready to talk now?"

I inhaled deeply and nodded.

"He...he's just like Edward. I don't want that type of relationship." I said softly. Jane looked at me sympathetically.

"I know. But he's not like that most of the time. Maybe you are mates with him because you are meant to change him." Jane reasoned and I frowned. I didn't like that at all.

"I don't want that. I want a nice, normal boyfriend and that's it. Mike would've been nice! Anyone!" I began to shout and Jane winced.

"Not so loud, he's rather, ah, protective of you." She whispers and suddenly the door is practically torn from its hinges and a very enraged Aro stands there, his broad chest heaving. I imagined running my hands up and-

No! Bella, focus!

"Who is Mike?" He hisses and I squeeze Janes hand, feeling my fear coming back full force.

"No one." I answer, fighting back the urge to run.

Yeah, I was terrified.

"He will be no one when I'm through with him!" Aro growls and tear streaks down my cheek in distress.

"You cry?" Aro says in disbelief and rage, "For this 'Mike'?"

Jane makes a small noise. "Ah, no. I believe she is quite afraid, master." Aro hisses.

"Who? Who is scaring her?" He asks, his dusts clenched, ready to pounce. I wanted to curl up and die.

"You." I answered, my voice cracking. I was much to terrified to look at his face, so I looked at the royal blue sheets intently.

I twisted my fingers, hoping for his departure and eventually, I could tell he left by the gust of air he left behind.

"Jane...." I sighed, "oh Jane, I hate this." She rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

"I know. I'm sorry. But maybe I could introduce you to some of the guard tomorrow? They are all very nice. And then oh can talk to Master Marcus about you and Aro." By the end of her sentence my smile had dropped.

"Am I really and truly mates with him?" I asked, begging for the answer not to be what it was.

"Obviously. I know Aro isn't exactly your dream-" I snorted at that.

"More like nightmare." I commented, but Jane continued.

"-but maybe you should try. He isn't what you think he is." She concluded and I cackled.

"So he isn't a terrifying bloodthirsty monster?" I questioned rhetorically, tapping my chin mockingly.

Jane looked at me with sad red eyes. Red eyes that mimicked Aro's in a terrifying resemblance.

"Aren't I that too?" She asked back and I gasped.

"No! No, no, not at all! Jane, you are always so kind and sweet! You are a good person." I reassured her yet she didn't seem to believe me. She stood up slowly and I moved to grab her hand but she pulled away.

"I'm not a person, though. I'm a vampire, just like Aro. He is my master and savior and if he is a bloodthirsty monster then I am a merely a beast." She says and leaves the room.

I groan in despair. Wh did I always do something wrong?



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