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Slammy Awards; Sasha's P.O.V-

I fixed my hair in the mirror while Becky finished up with our WWE Makeup Artist. "You nervous Bex?" She looked at me from the corner of her eye, "A little bit. How about you?"

I thought about Becky's question. Was I nervous? There were so many things running through my mind at the moment. Things like, what if someone like Eva Marie wins Women's Wrestler of the year?

Or how about if I win some pathetic category like catchphrase of the year. What if I embarrass myself as always?

The thing that worried me the most, that I will never admit to anyone, was what if he is here. Would today be the day I have to face him? How will he react? What if Zaharah is here? Oh no.

"Sasha, hey, hey, Earth to Sasha." I was interrupted out of my thoughts as Becky continuously snapped in my face. "Oh yeah sorry, what?"

The Irish Lass Kicker rolled her eyes at me. "That answers my question about whether or not you are nervous." I smiled and offered Becky a hug. She gladly accepted.

"Listen Sasha, whatever you are worried about, is going to be okay, I promise. Besides, no need to worry, because I will be right by your side, always."

Madeline, one of our amazing makeup artists put her hand over her heart and said, "Aw, aren't you girls adorable." She earned a laugh from Becky and I.
"Well we will see you later Madeline. We have a show to stop." Madeline smiled and gave us a hug goodbye.

I walked out with the Irish Lass Kicker until we reached the Gorilla and joined our other colleagues.

Surprisingly an injured Nikki was there without a retired Brie. I knew that there was no chance of me winning tonight. I put my head down as we all waited patiently for Jerry Lawler to announce the lucky woman's name.

"And the Slammy for Woman's Wrestler of the year goes to, Sasha Banks!"

As soon as I heard my name, my jaw dropped in awe. Some of my co workers clapped while others seemed envious and disappointed. Becky pulled me in the biggest hug and Kevin rushed over to me as well.

My music hit and I squeezed away from the breathtaking hug. I walked out to a screaming crowd and I took my place at the podium.

I shook Jerry's hand and he gave me a hug. I positioned the mic but before I spoke I lived in the moment. I took in all that was happening, I didn't over think, and the perfect words came to me,

"Woah guys. Thank you. This means, so much to me. Since day one when I made my WWE debut, I ran this place. I was part of the change this place needed. Since I was a little girl, watching my favorite wrestlers on Television, such as the late, great, Eddie Guerro, I wanted to be the best. This is a tough business, but I am thriving. I have shoved through the hardest obstacles. I have proved I am The Boss, Legit. You know guys, back to about last year we were branded as "divas". We were not talented enough to be the main event of paperviews or have our faces plastered on billboards. All that, has changed. So I am winning this Slammy on behalf of every Woman backstage who fought and kept fighting until we got what we deserved, I am winning this Slammy for the Women down at NXT, women like Bayley, who work there butts off to prove we should not be taken lightly. Lastly, I am winning this Slammy for all of the little girls, and people who look up to us. We did it, and no matter what obstacles are thrown in the way of this division, we will rise. Thank you."

The crowd chanted my name loudly as I held my Slammy high and made my way to the back. I was attacked once again by my Irish Lass Kicking Partner in Crime. I hugged her close as she told me over and over again about how much I deserved this.

I thanked all my friends and made my way to a quiet and empty hallway. I sat on a crate and let my feet swing back and forth while I admired my Slammy.

"Congratulations." His voice pierced through my brain and I froze. I slowly turned my head to the man who was in a knee brace. He held his arms out and spoke again,

"What? I don't bite." I got down from the crate and he limped towards me. He engulfed me in a warm hug and I just stood there in shock. "Sh- Shouldn't you be on crutches?"

He laughed that breathtaking laugh of his and spoke once again, "That is what I get when I see my best friend again for the first time in months?"

Still in his arms, I looked up to him and smiled, "Sorry." He let me go and we both sat on the crate. "Something wrong boss?"

His hand slid it's way over to mine and I shivered at the contact. "N-No, everything is fine." He nodded. "Just checking on you."

Was he clueless? He is acting like nothing. He removed his hand from mine after what seemed like an eternity. He then pulled out his phone. "Why haven't you called me Sasha?"

I threw on a confused look and mumbled, "I have." I guess he didn't hear me. "Didn't Zaharah tell you I got a new phone? My old number got leaked and I broke my phone out of frustration. I swear I sent her to deliver the message."

An immediate wave of anger over took me but I controlled it. "Maybe she forgot." He nodded. "Seth, out of curiosity when did you get a new phone?"

"About last month, why?" Great, I sent that voicemail 5 days ago to a random number. He did not hear my voicemail. Maybe it was a good thing.

At least now I know why Zaharah was so mad. She was jealous that Seth asked her to send the news. She hated when him and I were in contact.

"Just out of curiosity Seth." He nodded then handed me his phone. "Put your number in it." I opened up the Contacts feature and added myself to his phone. I handed him my phone with no words and he added himself as well.

"Did you keep sending stuff to my old phone? Maybe there is a way I can restore my old stuff and transfer it to this phone. Would you happen to know?" I hesitated to answer, "Not that I know of."

"Oh well. Anyways I have to go, they are about to announce Superstar of The Year. Wish me luck." I hugged him goodbye and he held me in his arms for a while. Soon he whispered something in my ear, "I never stop missing you day in and day out. You know that right?"

A tear fell down my cheek and I walked away. It was a cowardly move and I probably left Seth in confusion but I can't stand here lying and acting like I don't love him when he is the only thing on my mind 24/7.

He didn't chase after me and how could he? After all that brace was pretty heavy. I slammed my self shut in the bathroom and washed my now hysterical, tear filled face with water.

No one was in the stalls so I spoke to my self as I looked in the mirror. "I am done. No more of this. You can't have him and never will. Stop trying Sasha. He doesn't love you because of that slut by his side. She is right. As of today I am done chasing..."

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