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Sasha's P.O.V -

"We're here."

I stood there frozen in my seat. I was terrified to bring old memories back. I mean of course I missed them but, am I ready to relive that?

Seth glanced at me and took a deep breath.

"You don't seem amused to be here. We can go somewhere else if you'd like."


"N-No it's not that its just, never mind. Let's go."

I opened the door and made my way out.

"You could have let me open your door, like a gentleman."


Seth rolled his eyes and walked over to where I was standing and came awfully close to me. He put both of his hands on each of my arms which caused me to tense up.

"Calm down Sasha. You are so tense."

He leaned in close towards my lips which caused me to close my eyes. He then turned to my ear and whispered,

"Let's just forget about whatever is stressing you out, and have some fun. Okay bossy?"

I felt so comforted when he was this close. I didn't want it to end but just standing there and not giving him an answer would probably freak him out.

I simply nodded and he removed his hands from my arms and backed away from my ear. He spoke,

"Let's go eat some donuts."

I smiled and he walked to the shop as I followed.

We went up to the counter and he rolled his eyes,

"Go sit down Sasha. You remember the tradition, right?"

I looked down and chuckled.


I walked to an empty table which was no surprise to me, since it was late out.

Every time we went to the donut shop, I would be forced by Seth to sit down while he picked a mystery donut for me. I never fully understood why he did it, and I've asked in the past, he just simply said, "Surprises are the fun and joyful things in life, they make people smile, I want to make you smile."

I was caught in my thoughts until there were fingers snapping in my face and a cute plate set in front of me. I looked down at the plate and my eyes met with what looked to be a chocolate donut with some sort of filling and on top of it was pink frosting with sprinkles.

I looked up at him,

"What is this one?"

He smiled,

"It's a surprise. Taste it to find out."

I brought the donut to my mouth and took a bite. There was some sort of Carmel filling inside. It was delicious.

Seth laughed at my reaction and I rolled my eyes while grabbing my napkin and cleaning my face.

"For all I know Sash, you could be in a relationship with that donut."

He burst out in laughter and I held in a smile until laughing a little bit too.

"Ahh, I love your laugh bossy, you know that?"

I looked down and smiled.

"Thank you."

He nodded.

I continued eating my donut as Seth picked at a Chocolate Glazed one and once I was done I just stared outside, nervous to talk.



"I need to, apologize to you. Before you stop me, just listen. I was not a good friend for that time period I was out, hell I haven't been a good friend since. I just was caught up in my own ego that I didn't notice I was pushing away the most important people in my life. I am so sorry Sash. You are my best friend and the only one who understands me, and that I fully trust, I damn well mean that. So don't act like I did not do anything and get the hell up and let me hold you close in my arms because I never want to lose you, ever again."

I blushed wildly. I looked in his eyes and I didn't see the person Seth was forced to be molded in to, no, I saw my Seth. Without noticing, I felt a tear make its way down my cheek, he moved his hand to my face and wiped it away.

"I didn't think I would make you cry, damn. I guess I am inspirational."

I shook my head and laughed.

We both stood up and he held me in his arms. I didn't tense, I wasn't uncomfortable, rather than that, I felt safe.

He kissed the top of my head and moved my hair so he could whisper in my ear,

"Never again Sasha, I promise."

Never again. We will see about that...

darlings of desire | - rewriting / under editing • completed ✓Where stories live. Discover now