Chapter Three

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"Rose, are you okay?" Someone called out to her as she stormed out from her meeting with the Prince. Rose turned her gaze and noticed one of the girls who had cleaned her up earlier, Anabelle.

"No. No I am not okay. Here I was, thinking that maybe the Prince was not so bad when he started apologizing. But no, then he prattles on telling me I should not judge him and that I cannot blame him for anything, even if I was right! Then he just tells me that I cannot go back to the village and I shall be a servant instead – just like that! How dare he! He has no right whatsoever. I am so furious, why I could... I could slap him!" She simmered, barely making eye contact with Anabelle as she paced along the floor. Anabelle was silent and did not answer Rose. Finally Rose drew her eyes to Anabelle, staring at her expectantly. "What?" She asked her, snapping. Anabelle shrugged apologetically.

"Well, I mean no offense in saying this, but the way I see it, Prince Tristan just saved your life. Right now you could still be on the streets, freezing and scared. At least now you have a place to feel safe. He has shown you more favor than any of the Royals have ever shown someone – at least as far as I know. You should have been executed, but he spared your life."

"Does no one here hold anything against the Prince? Can none of you see what kind of a heartless man he is?!" Anabelle's eyes were downcast at Rose's harsh words.

"I understand that when you first meet Prince Tristan he comes across as-"


"Well, yes, I suppose a little, and-"

"An arrogant, pompous fool?" Rose spat out. Anabelle glanced at her disapprovingly.

"Not exactly. What I was going to say is that he can come across as non-committal and not caring at all. But he isn't, believe me he is not all those things. He puts on a brave, somewhat arrogant act – but he has reason to. Many people whom he has loved have left him. He says he does not care for people, that all he desires is the fulfillment of his wants. But that is not true – those that have known him for a while can see that. He does care, much more than I think he would like. If you want my personal opinion, I think it is a self-defense mechanism. He is afraid to be close to people because it will hurt if he loses them. I know you have been wronged, Rose, but do not take all your anger out on him, I beg you," Anabelle told her.

Many people whom he has loved have left him. She was referring to the Queen, Rose knew she was. The Queen died when the Prince was a little younger, about seven years ago. Winters were hard here and she had been very sick. A great sorrow had swept through the land at the loss of their beloved Queen. Three days later, the Prince's younger sister passed away from a festering wound. Somewhere inside of Rose was sorrow for his loss, but her anger and hurt clouded her emotions. All she could see was a heartless man who had never cared for his people. Anabelle's blue eyes pleaded with her, and Rose softened her gaze.

"I am sorry. I know the Prince has been very hurt. And everyone around here seems to think he is marvelous. Maybe he is, but not towards me. Never towards me. But I will refrain from saying cruel things about him – I respect your feelings. Now please, please, could you take me to Mistress Eudora?" Rose said quietly. Anabelle spared Rose a soft smile. The two may have been at odds with their views on the Prince, but they understood each other. Anabelle began leading Rose down the hall. With each step away from Prince Tristan Rose felt more at peace.

They found Mistress Eudora slicing a freshly baked loaf of bread. She looked up, startled when they both entered the room, but then smiled.

"I see your meeting with Prince Tristan ended. Thank you for bringing her here, Anabelle, you may continue with your duties now." Anabelle curtseyed and exited promptly, smiling at Rose over her shoulder. Mistress Eudora gestured for Rose to take a seat whilst she finished her chore. "Tell me, child, what did the Prince say?" Remembering her words to Anabelle, Rose told herself not to speak unkind words about the Prince. It would not do well to make enemies rather than friends.

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