Chapter Four

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Two weeks passed by. Prince Tristan did not have any more contact with Rose, and the two were as they should be – lord and servant. Rose was healthier than she had ever been, Mistress Eudora was careful to always make sure she was eating enough. As the days went by Rose found that she did not mind, so much, working in the castle. The servants were all friendly and welcoming. Anabelle and Rose became close friends in a short time. Mistress Eudora had them working together often and they bonded within days.

They walked into the kitchen together, one morning, to find Mistress Eudora baking. As the head servant she was not required to do much labour, but she had told Rose once that baking was one of her greatest joys. Anabelle and Rose exchanged smiles as they watched Mistress Eudora whistle whilst stirring, her back facing them.

"Good morning, Mistress!" They chimed. She jumped and turned to face them, her eyes wide with surprise. Rose held back a giggle despite wanting to laugh at her expression.

"Girls! You gave me the fright of my life," she told them, but not in an angry tone.

"Sorry, ma'am," Anabelle told her, ducking her head slightly.

"Oh, never you mind," Mistress Eudora answered, chuckling. "Now... what shall I have you two doing?" A servant walked in at that moment with a pile of clean washing before heading back outside. "Ah, yes. I need you two to make sure the King's room is tidy and fresh. Here, you can change the sheets on his bed," she told them, handing them a basket of clean linen. They curtseyed and left the kitchen and started the journey to the King's bedchambers.

"Did you hear that poor Mable slipped over while mopping, right in front of Princess Suzanna?" Anabelle asked Rose as they walked, smiling.

"Oh no, how unfortunate! Poor Mable, she must have felt humiliated," Rose replied, thinking of the sweet, shy servant.

"I know, but that is not even the worst part!" Anabelle exclaimed, pausing for suspense.

"What happened? You must tell me!"

"Well, dear Princess Suzanna, kind girl that she is, rushed over to assist Mable. However, the floors were still wet and she too slipped over! This, of course, led to the servants in the room running to check on the Princess. But the floors were so wet and soapy that most of them slipped. There ended up a pile of them, all strewn across the floor giggling! No one was injured, fortunately." Rose joined in with Anabelle's laughter, trying to picture her description. The thought of a heap of bodies piled on the ground had Rose in a giggling fit.

"It must have been a terribly funny sight," Rose told Anabelle, still laughing. They entered the King's bedchambers and began to strip his bed of the sheets. They were chatting and giggling as they worked on their task when the doors swung open suddenly. Immediately they stopped talking and turned to face whoever was at the door. The King stood there and stared at them before entering the room. The girls dropped into curtseys immediately and bowed their heads.

"Get out!" He barked, storming towards his bed. His voice was hoarse and his breath sounded raspy. He had not been faring particularly well in the last few days.

"But, Your Highness, your bed is-" Anabelle began.

"I said get out! Now," he told her, silencing her with a glare. They both curtseyed again and left the room in a rush. Rose closed the door, heart pounding, and together they walked down the hallway. Anabelle looked frightened with wide, alarmed eyes.

"Do not worry, Anabelle, he was probably just feeling tired," Rose said, trying to comfort her.

"I know, it was only a bit intimidating. The King rarely raises his voice towards his servants –certainly he has never shouted at me," she answered.

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