Chapter Thirty

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Dedicated to IvyGirl7 for her lovely comments x

"So," rumbled a deep voice. "This is the girl who caused all the mayhem."

Tristan and Rose turned around, their hands tightly intertwined, to see the King enter the throne room. Rose inhaled sharply, flooded with nerves. Tristan squeezed her hand reassuringly and smiled at her quickly. Rose curtsied to the King and stood up nervously, her mouth dry. The King studied her with serious, solemn eyes.

"Father," Tristan began, "this is Rose." He smiled down proudly at Rose, and even with her nerves, Rose's heart still fluttered at his expression. She had to force herself to tear her gaze away from Tristan so she would not appear rude to the King.

"Rose," the King repeated. He studied her for another moment. "You are the daughter of Daniel and Roseanna Culbert, and the sister of one of my best knights, William. Am I correct?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"And it was you who helped provide information about Eliad and the rebels?"

"I was one person," Rose responded humbly.

"My son claims to be deeply in love with you," the King said bluntly. Rose's heart did a big flop and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. "I wish to know if you return his feelings."

"I do, very much," Rose answered as she looked up at Tristan. He was staring at her with so much love that she wanted to sigh. Tristan squeezed her hand gently again and Rose leant into him slightly.

"You are a servant," the King said. Tristan's face immediately turned angry, he tensed next to Rose, as if prepared for battle. Rose's heart plummeted.


"Never before has this been done. Never before has a Prince courted a servant, a beggar."

"Father," Tristan hissed.

"However," the King continued, with a pointed, humoured look at Tristan. "Your bravery and resilience over the last few weeks has shown your character and strength. Your family shows me nobility and power, and it does not take a fool to look at the two of you and see you are sincere about Tristan."

"I am," Rose whispered.

"Therefore," the King stated, "I give you my blessing to be together."

Rose gasped and Tristan released a sudden breath. They looked at each other and grinned. Rose could hardly contain the urge to throw her arms around him and laugh. Tristan looked like he was having a hard time only being able to hold her hand. The King laughed at the two of them.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Rose murmured, her heart burning with sincerity.

"Do not let anyone ever tell you that you are not worthy. I have given you my blessing, therefore there is no one more worthy than you," the King replied with a smile. Rose was touched by his words.

Tristan laughed, almost in relief, from his position beside her. "I thought for a moment I would have to fight you, Father."

The King smirked, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Well I could not let you think you had won that easily."

Tristan gasped sarcastically, but his eyes were shining with joy and excitement.

"Thank you, Father." Tristan released Rose's hand temporarily and exchanged a brief, strong hug with his father. It was the first time Rose could remember seeing affection between them. Tristan released his father and immediately returned to Rose, a smile plastered on his face.

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