Chapter Thirteen

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Tristan strode through the palace halls with purpose. He reached Suzanna's door to her bedchamber and knocked loudly. The door swung open to reveal Rose. Tristan's heart skipped a beat at her sudden appearance.

"Rose," he greeted with a smile. She was wearing a teal dress that complimented her hair beautifully, Tristan nearly forgot to breathe.

"My lord," Rose responded, dropping her eyes to the floor. Tristan frowned at her formality but then realised she did not want Suzanna to question her if she spoke familiarly to him. Rose stepped aside from the door and allowed Tristan to enter the room. He strode in and found Suzanna at her writing table. She was writing something on paper with her elegant, smooth script. Suzanna looked up and put her quill down when she saw him enter. She stood up and brushed her dress down, smiling up at him in amusement.

"Tristan, what are you doing here? And why do you look like that?" She asked in a friendly manner, a small giggle bubbling up from her. She was referring to the peasant disguise he was wearing. The commoners clothing made it less likely that people would pay attention to who he was, and he hoped he would go unnoticed. Suzanna walked forward and gave him a quick hug. Tristan held her at arm's length and squeezed her shoulders gently. He nudged his head in the direction of Rose who was hovering by the door.

"I was hoping you would consider relieving Rose from her duties until this afternoon. I need to borrow her," he said. Rose looked up with such a confused expression he almost laughed.

"Borrow her? Whatever for?" Suzanna asked, folding her arms and raising an eyebrow. She tapped her foot on the ground expectantly. "I am not accustomed to lending my maidservant to whoever asks."

"Please, Suzanna? Only this once, I swear it." Suzanna stared at him sharply, but then sighed and nodded reluctantly.

"Oh, very well, if you must. I shall manage without her this morning."

"Thank you, I will return her to you soon," he promised. Suzanna pouted but nodded at him.

"I will need her this afternoon, do not tarry longer than necessary."

Tristan muttered his agreement over his shoulder as he walked back towards the door. "Come," he said to Rose, beaming at her. Rose curtsied to Suzanna and followed him out the chambers.

"Where are we going?" She asked, her voice ringing around him with the most heavenly sound.

"We are going to the village, I want to show you something," he answered.

"Is it the construction of the house?" She questioned, her eyes sparkling with joy. Tristan chuckled at her enthusiasm but shook his head.

"No, although construction on the home will begin soon."

"What could it be then?" Rose pondered out loud. Tristan smiled. Her inquisitive expression seemed to highlight the intelligence in her eyes. She was no ordinary townsperson - every time he was with her she made that more obvious.

"I cannot tell you, it is a surprise," Tristan responded. A moment of doubt had his heart racing. What if she did not like the surprise? What if it made her angry or sad? He shook the thoughts off. Rose would know that he meant well.

They reached the town without incident. The village was busy and loud - it was a market day and the streets were crowded. Tristan headed towards the stalls, watching Rose to make sure she was not swallowed by the mass of people. He stopped at one market stand that was selling flowers bundled and tied together by twine.

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