Chapter Sixteen

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Rose heaved the clothes into the washtub with a huff, water and bubbles splashing her. She let the clothes soak for a minute, then began the process of scrubbing the garments. The sun beat down on her back mercilessly, her only relief was the constant cool breeze. She did not mind the chore of washing Suzanna's clothes as it gave her the chance to work quietly and daydream.

Her thoughts drifted to Keira. All anyone knew was that the maidservant had been summoned to the throne room to face the King. Rose pondered what it would be like to face the judgement of the King. He was not known to be the most merciful of leaders. Rose frowned. She did not like that Keira had deliberately lied to her, but at the same time she did not want Keira to be heavily punished. Was it not enough that everybody would know she had lied to gain wealth? Keira must feel humiliated, Rose thought to herself.

"Working hard, I see," a voice said from behind her. Rose turned her head.

"Brianne!" She said, surprised. The healer stood nearby with her hands folded behind her back. Rose stood up and gave a short curtsey. "It is good to see you again! What are you doing here?"

"It is good to see you too, Rose. I was out on a short walk - I do not often have time away from my practice. I saw you and thought I might say hello."

"Have you been well?" Rose asked, out of curtesy.

"Of course. How are your injuries from the wolf?"

Rose beamed. "All better now. There is only one wound that is still closing, it must have been very deep."

Rose and Brianne talked for a few more minutes until Brianne gestured away.

"I should return to my clinic now. A healer can never spend much time away from their work," Brianne said with an amused expression.

"Is it hard for you? Never having free time because people always need you?"

"Once upon a time, when I was younger, I found it hard. But now it is my life, and I am at my happiest knowing that I am helping people."

"Is that why you became a healer? Because you wanted to help people?" Rose asked curiously.

"Aye. My brother was gravely injured when I was younger. I hated not knowing how to help him, so when I was older I took an apprenticeship with the healer of the town I was in. My parents were not happy," Brianne said with a short laugh.

"Why ever not?"

"They wanted me to marry and do the things a lady should, but my heart did not desire to live a life where I could not make a change in the world. Sometimes we must follow our dreams, even when everyone is telling us to go another way. The world may say there is only one option, but the world is not always right. We must go where we feel led, aye?"

Rose agreed and they said their farewell, but Brianne's words did not leave Rose's mind for the entire morning.

Rose finished cleaning the clothes and hung them outside to dry. She emptied the washtub then headed back inside to find Suzanna. She found her in the library with Princess Emily and Prince Liam. Rose entered the room and curtsied to the trio.

"It's the pretty servant," Emily said, pointing at Rose. Rose laughed and curtsied again to the young Princess.

"I am finished with the washing, my lady," she said to Suzanna.

"Excellent. I believe I have no more chores for you at the present moment. We are about to play a game of cards, you may join us if you wish," Suzanna replied. Rose was touched that Suzanna offered to let her join in a game with the three of them.

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