Chapter 2

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I knock lightly on the large wooden door and wait patiently for my aunt or uncle to answer. I hear footsteps coming so I lightly step back. I look down at the welcome mat that says 'all canines welcomed' I laugh knowing my aunt probably picked this up in some human store.

The door open and I look up to see who answered, I'm surprised to see my Father. His dark hair is combed to his head, skin not nearly as pale as mine, frame shorter than most werewolves and blue eyes holding no love for me. "Oh hi dad....I didn't know you'd still be here" I tell him

"Of course I'm still here, it's my duty to look after my alpha I'm his second in command for a reason" he stands tall and looks past me

I look away "right Mom in there?" I ask

"She went to fetch the pack doctor...he's feeling worse" my Father says and I nod as he walks past me

I step in and pass the kitchen and enclosed office that leads out to the beautiful back yard. I walk up stairs to where I know my uncle and aunts bedroom is. I used to come here as a child to get away from my parents or Victoria. They've always treated me so kindly and frown upon the way my parents treat me differently and even though they are Alpha and Luna they can't do anything about it.

I smile when I reach the  top of the lavish stairs and look into there room. My uncle lays up in bed while my aunt sits in a chair next to him, his hand rests on her swelling belly and they smile at each other.

I knock on there open door and they turn to me, keeping there smiles "Everly" she calls me by my full name

"Aunt May" I smile and hug her

I bend down and rub her belly "hey there my little cousin" I say and we both giggle

"Get over here my favourite niece" I hear my uncle say, his hair is similar to my mothers but darker, he's the strongest man in the pack, he's brave, loyal, and honest-all the traits of an amazing alpha

I laugh and walk past May while she follows behind "don't let Victoria hear that" I laugh and climb on the bed to hug him

He groans a little so I quickly detach and sit back on the end of the bed "how are you feeling alpha?" I ask and he smiles lazily and lay's back

"I'm alright just a little chest pains, I'll be good as new by tomorrow" he says and encloses his hand in mine

"I hope so, we'd all run wild without you" I laugh and they join in

"Are you hungry Eve? I'll go get you something from downstairs" May says before I can even respond she stands and starts to the door, but not before she hold onto the door for support, her legs seeming to go limp for a moment. We both ask if she is alright and she looks back at us and nods.

"Just tired, this big belly makes me unbalanced sometimes" she laughs lightly, her face paler than usual but she lightly rubs across her stomach. I hope she's not coming down with the same thing.

When I look back over at my Uncle he stares off at his beloved Wife and mate "only a couple more months and I'll meet my Son" he says calmly and I smile

"Are you excited?" I ask smiling from the love he has for them

"One day you'll know....the excitement you'll feel to share a child with your mate" he says still staring after her

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