Chapter 20

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I don't even notice when I fall asleep but I fall into a world of hell. I'm in Maddox's house but not in the room I was in before. I'm standing outside his door, staring at the dark wood in front of me. I hear soft cries of pain coming from the other side but my hand will only move in slow motion to the door handle. My heart speeds as different things run through my mind on what could be happening. Is Maddox being hurt? Who is screaming?

Finally the door opens and I'm paralysed completely. My eyes blink and I try to process the image but I can't. In front of me is my aunt and uncle, late alpha and luna, lay there in the bed, frozen. On top of them is Maddox, his large hands wrapped tightly around there necks, squeezing the life from there bodies. I try to scream and beg him to stop but none of them hear me, I'm stuck at the door, staring. Mays swollen belly being crushed by Maddox's leg. Tears explode from my eyes and I thrash in place. I scream for Maddox to stop, telling him I'll do anything if he will stop hurting them.

The images gets more blurred by the second from my tears and soon just looks likes a wash of different colors. I jult awake and sit straight up, sweat dripping down my back and a cold chill up my spine. I look around panting and realise it was all a dream, I fall back and clutch to my beating chest. My god that was the worst dream imaginable. I close my eyes and try to even out my hollow breaths.

I sit up again and face the wall. I want to see him, to erase the image of him in my dream. I cringe thinking about it. I slowly stand on shaky legs and wrap my arms around my body securely.

By the time I'm standing outside his door my heart is pounding but now it in anticipation. I don't know why all I'm gonna do is look and check in on him. I slowly and quietly twist the nob and the door creaks open. I crack it enough to see him. He's laying in bed, laying on his stomach, his face against the pillow, his lips parted. He looks so peaceful, no scowl or harsh eyes and eyebrows, no clenched jaw, and no May or Lucian to hurt. I sigh and stare at him a little longer. I want nothing more than to climb under his naked chest, caress his muscular arms and fall back asleep.

But I turn and start to shut the door but not before I hear him stir awake. My movements freeze and I debate if I should just run away or stay frozen and pray he falls back asleep.

"Everly?" His voice is groggy and deep with sleep

I turn to him, opening the door a little wider "sorry" my voice is hardly above a whisper

"What's the matter?" He asks slowly sitting up, the sheet falling from him and exposing the hem of his boxers

I hesitate to answer "nothing, I just had a bad dream" I whisper

He pouts his lip "come here" he demands softly

My feet move unconsciously to get closer to him. I sit on the edge of the bed and look up at him. The low moon light shadows across his face, his sharp features softer than usual. "Closer" he instructs, pulling me from my trance

I crawl closer to him and he grabs me and pulls me under the covers before I have time to react. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls my back against his chest. He sighs, in relief, and tightens his grip around me. I stay tense but soon melt into his warmth and body. The feeling of being wrapped in his arms makes me feel a feeling I have long

I smile to myself, my dream forgotten, the only thing on my mind now is the way his finger tips run up and down my stomach and arm. His fingers interlock with mine and he buries his head into my neck, his stubble tickling my skin. He inhales deeply and relaxes against me. "this is where you belong" he whispers against my neck. Soon sleep takes over and I fall into the darkness, his presence never drifting.
I wake up with the sunlight streaming in and my body cold under the covers. Opening my eyes I look around and remember last night, I blush and force myself to get out of bed or I'll be laying there all morning day dreaming about him.

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