Chapter 34

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Maddox POV
I ignore the thought of my mother, knowing her eyes would look at me in grief and sadness knowing what just unfolded with me and my father. He did this to himself. The thought of Everly knowing my father and brother are the reason her beloved aunt and uncle are dead would kill her. I knew my father was power obsessed but that is unspeakable. I try to push all of it away and focus on one thing at a time. Her. Finding her and figuring out a way to get her back. I walk in the direction of Everly's parents home praying they know where she is.

The small cottage comes into view and off to my left I see Lena come out of the woods, her eyes land on me and her face falls. I don't even have to ask to know. I hear the door and Peter walks out. He looks between me and Lena and again...a fallen face. "It's true Maddox...she's the black wolf" Peter says. I turn to Lena and she looks at me with tears for me in her eyes as she nods. I feel my knees lock but somehow I continue to stand

"But..." I whisper as I think about ever moment I've had with her. From the first moment I saw her in the line up, to the first time I kissed her, to the last time I saw her. I have loved her every second. I refuse to believe it. She has to be my mate.

"They didn't know where she was..." Peter trails off knowing he is only worsening the blow

Silence spreads between us and I can tell Lena is trying to keep in her sobs "I'm so sorry Maddox" she says but I have no words

"What do we do alpha?" Peter says

For the first time as alpha I have no order, no plan...I'm lost. We stand in silence. My brain trying desperately to devise a plan or even to find a clue on where she could have gone or worse who took her.

"I'm going to talk to boarder control to make sure no one has seen anything suspicious" Lena says and I know she's doing it just to keep herself busy

She walks off, I can tell Peter is tempted to go after her. I don't know how much times goes by but I stand here wanting nothing more than to move. But I can't. Because I don't know what to do or where to go.

I hear sticks breaking and I quickly shoot my head over to the direction of the sound. On the side of the house I see Victoria slowly making her way over to us. My immediate reaction is to turn and leave, not wanting anything to do with her or her unhelpful family. But she looks between me and Peter and waves us over. I look to him and his eyebrows are raised but we go in her direction.

We follow her a ways until we come up to a clearing, she turns to us with glossy eyes "I didn't want to tell you in front of my parents" she says softly and instantly I take a step closer, praying it's news about Everly. "She wanted to I helped her"

"What? why?!" Peter says

Her eyes turn cold and she looks at me "ask him, he's one of- if not the main reason"

The alpha in me rages at her disrespectful glare but for the reasons I surpass it. Peter looks at me "he had no idea that she was the black wolf" Victoria keeps her glare on me

I hear her growl as she tries to contain herself "and as for my aunt and uncle?" She spits

I look away "it wasn't me, I had no idea" my heart pangs at what my brother and father did. She looks me over still suspicious "I only just now found father and brother are banded forever from my territory and our packs are no longer allies" I tell her and Peters eyes are wide, putting together the pieces of the unspoken story line

"They deserve a hell of a lot more punishment than that!" She says loudly and I nod

"I know but for now my main goal is to find Everly" I say taking a step closer "please Victoria...I love her. I have to tell her that"

Her eyes are wide and she seems shocked "you love her?" She asks

"Yes, it's not just what she is, it's who she is. I'm not under some spell or trance, I love her" I say

"She...she got it all wrong then. Alpha she thought you only wanted her because of what she was...and when she heard what your father and brother did." She sighs "you can't blame her for thinking what she does"

"Fuck" I curse, running my hands through my hair. A small sense of relief spreads through me knowing she went on her own instead of someone taking her. "I have to find her and explain Victoria, please help me" I beg

"I sent her to the bus station..she was supposed to call me when she got there" she looks down and plays with her hands

"How long ago was this?" I ask in a hurry

Her eyes look up through her lashes "hours ago" fear strikes through her "she should have called by now...I don't know why she wouldn't have called" she whispers the last part to herself

I instantly look to Peter "let's go" I turn and we both head in the direction of the border

"How many of your warriors do you want to take?" He asks me

"For now I only want it to be me and you...too many of us will look suspicious. Make sure they are ready at my command to come when needed" I instruct and he nods

As we reach the boarder the two guards bow to us and say nothing after Peter explains through the mind link. I keep my eyes straight. I shift the second I'm out of the boarder, Peter shifts next to me. His dark brown fur with golden strips shakes back and forth as he runs next to me. We both take off in the direction of the bus station. In a perfect world I'd get there and she'd be sitting on a bench waiting for me, I'd explain myself and bring her home...but I fear that's not the case.

Although the run lasts us minutes it feels like hours, every step in slow motion. Still shifted me and Peter hide out in the woods. Looking around I see nothing but people sitting and waiting. Two busses pull in and people unload and reload. I anxiously look for a head of beautiful silver hair but nothing. I know her scent is hidden otherwise I would be able to smell her. I curse quietly "maybe she got on a bus?" Peter says, sensing my panic

I don't reply I walk out of the tree line and head for the station. By the time I reach the, supposedly, automatic doors it remains closed. I curse and am half way tempted to walk through it. But Peter quickly opens the door right next to us and I storm in.

I give no pre claimer as I walk up to the glass window with a woman who isn't paying attentions jumps at my presence "was there a girl here? With silver hair, 18 years old, blue grey eyes?" I demand and her eyes remain wide as she tries to get over the shock

She goes back to smacking her gum and nods "yes" is all she says

"Ok" I growl, irritated "where did she go? What bus?" I demand

She looks at her computer "her bus hasn't left yet, it's been delayed. The girl you're looking for is probably still by the bus ramp" she says calmly and goes back to looking at her computer

"No, she's not out there" I tell her "are you sure it's the right bus?" I plea

"She was my last check in, I remember" she shrugs "the bus is in route now, sorry"

I turn to Peter and he begins to walk out and I follow. "Fuck" I say immediately as we step outside "search the area" I tell Peter "maybe she started to go back" I say not believing myself but not knowing what else to do

He nods and walks off, I move in the opposite direction. I look at every single person at the station, hoping to see her in the crowd or see anyone that could know something. But nothing.

"Maddox" Peter says in the mind link "get at the north tree line now, I've picked up a scent"

I immediately turn from where I am, not bothering to ask who's scent, and I run to him. His eyes meet mine and like a brick wall I smell it. Logan. I take in more air, searching for Scarlets but nothing. "Let's go" I tell him and he nods as I continue on the trail of his scent.

Two more chapters left! Exciting chapter next ! Let me know what you think :)

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