Chapter 10

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I sigh and let Scar drag me, her being unusually cheerful "oh no!" I say realising something "I forgot his present at my house!" I frown and turn back

"We can get it later, come on" she doesn't even stop "it's not like you to forget things" she tells me and I nod

"Fay came to my house this morning, she-" I cut myself off, trying to keep calm

She finally does pause and turn to me "what did she say?" She asks, darkly lined blue eyes concerned

"There autopsy came up normal but she's sending off there blood to a place more advanced just to be sure" I tell her and she frowns looking away

"It'll be ok, it was just a freak accident" she says and I shrug

"I guess" she hugs me lightly and then smiles, I do the same

She turns and pulls me along, I follow. We end up on Logan's parents door step, Scar smiles wide and knocks on the door. His Mother, Karen, answers the door "hi Scarlet, Eve, how are you two?" She asks

"Great" Scar answers for us and I nod, smiling politely

"Good good, well come on in, my husband had to make a quick trip with some of the council members, the alpha called them together" she informs us as we follow her through the home I've been in a million times "can you two believe it, Logan's eighteen" she sighs, her dirty blonde hair, like her sons, facing us while her face directed to where she steps next

"Yup, we're all growing up, I remember when we were all just playing on the playground at school" Scar laugh and I join, those memories flooding through my head

Karen laughs as we step into the living room, she sits in a chair while we sit across from her on a dark leather couch "I remember Logan coming home, when you were all about five, with his knee all scratched up. You had both accidentally pushed him down the slide. Your teacher forced you both to come and walk him home. Scar you had that little smirk on your face and Eve you were crying you felt so bad" she laughs, her face lightly up "oh you all grew up as quickly as weeds" her smiles falls and she sighs

She shakes her head and continues "Well I'll go get him, he's been locked in his room all day, I think he may be coming down with the flu, you know it's going around" I nod, hearing it from Fay this morning, maybe that's why he's been acting so odd  "I'll be right back"

We both watch her walk down the hall and Scar shakes her knee rapidly against the hardwood "what's up with you?" I ask

She pushes a strand of wavy brown hair behind her pale ear and looks to me "what? Nothing" she shakes her head, I shrug and nod

We hear a pair of heavy footsteps coming down the hall and I smile. When I see him, I stand "happy birthday!" I tell at him

But I seem to be the only one cheerful in the room. I examine him and he frowns, like a pain is erupting through his body and he can't stop it. When I look at Scar she looks shocked, her pink lips are parted and hung open. Her eyes are huge and she stands rapidly and runs over to him, she jumps into his arms.

He catches her and buries his head in her hair around her neck, his face still etched with pain "am I missing something?" I ask but they pay no heed to me

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