Chapter 4

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I quickly walk over to my house and step into chaos. My mothers running around trying to tighten my father's tie why brushing her hair and Victoria is running up the stairs and into the bathroom, half her hair curled "go get ready now, your dress is already laid out" my Mother instructs putting in a pair of dangly earrings.

I nod and look over her, she's wearing a dark grey dress coming down to her knees. A belt accentuates her small waist and matching heels have a small dark blue bow on the toe. Her blonde hair is curled and half of it is pulled back letting the rest fall down her shoulders. Light makeup is painted into perfection on her face.

"You look nice" I compliment but she waves me of and tells me to hurry...I see she's back to normal now

I make my way upstairs, confused on why I need to look nice, it's not like he'll look at me...Scar made that clear. I'm sure his type is more like Victoria, the rest of the wolves love her and I have no doubt my parents will stop at nothing to get there beloved daughter with someone as high up as an alpha.

I step into my room and see the dress my Mother has picked out. It's a light blue summer dress, it has thin straps and white lining across the hems, buttons line up the middle and a small bow rest on the middle of the bust. I smile, glad she didn't force me to wear one of Victoria's dresses.

I strip from my leggings and T-shirt and slip it over my body. I zip it up by myself and smile as I twirl in the mirror. It actually looks very nice. I smile and run my hands through my silver strands, maybe I should curl it. No that'd be too much. It already has waves throughout because of the layers in my hair. I just brush my fingers through it and put on a pair of flats.

As I step out of my room Victoria, who has the room across from me, steps out as well. She's in a flashy bright red dress, it hugs her hourglass body to a T.  Her heels are at least three inches and her makeup is fresh and flawless, dirty blonde locks curled.

She rolls her eyes as she sees me and heads down stairs. I sigh and walk into the bathroom, compared to my Sister and Mother I feel like I should do maybe more. I put on a little eyeliner, mascara, and clear gloss on my already red lips. I smile at my reflection and run my hand through my hair once more.

I step out of the bathroom and head for the stairs "come on Eve we can't be late" my Father says, irritated, and I nod hurrying down to them

They're already out the door by the time I make it to the last step. I follow the three of them through the grass to the entrance of our pack where the alpha is supposed to come in by. There's already a crowd of people split in half to allow a walkway for him. The grass is wet from a light shower hours ago, the yellow gleam of sunlight leaks trough the light grey clouds and makes the ground sparkle.

I shake my head and look around, everyone really is dressed in there best. The warriors are placed in the front of the forrest opening, the council is next, that's where we are, and then the rest of the pack is behind us.

I see Scarlet on the other side of the walkway, the empty green grass separates us. I start to walk over to her but my father places a strong hand on my shoulder and pulls me back, I look up to his blue eyes and he shakes his head, I frown but stay put.

"Hey" I hear someone say beside me and I turn to see Logan

"Hey" I smile and move away from my family a little, making sure to still be next to them.

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