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Ava's week so far had involved catching up with her cousin, starting her online courses and cooking/cleaning while her Aunt took more shifts. She hadn't lied to Quil about the plans with Bella. They were going to see some zombie movie with guts and gore which she didn't really like but she wouldn't lie, anything that would take her mind off the absence of family, she would try. So that's how she found herself lacing her boots, slipping on her jacket and heading out to the car. She drove the road from La Push to Forks in a few minutes and was pulling up in the movie parking lot in no time. She got out and looked for Bella until she found her with two other boys. One very blonde, pale boy and one tan boy with long black hair that she recognized from the reservation. As she got closer Bella looked up and ushered her over.

"Hey Ava, 6 o'clock on the dot?" She laughed.

"That's me, always punctual." Ava laughed along. Bella then introduced her to the blonde whose name was Mike. Then to the tan boy.

"And this is Jacob."

"Jacob Black?" Ava asked smiling.

"Hey." Jacob smiled.

"God I haven't seen you in years, how's your Dad and stuff?"

"He's okay, nothing's really changed since you left but it's good to have you back." They smiled at each other and Ava gave Bella some money for her ticket.

"I'll be back." She told the two boys and left in search of popcorn and a drink. Walking back to the trio Ava stopped next to Bella.

"Great," Mike mumbled. Bella gave her a look and laughed when she saw the food in her hands. She took the popcorn from Ava and linked arms with her. The two walked arm in arm into the theater.

"Put both of your guns down or I'm gonna blow both of your fricking heads off." The man in the movie spoke. Ava turned to look at Jacob who was grinning up to the screen. Looking past him she saw Bella who was obviously in her own world, then she saw Mike who looked extremely sick.

"Okay, I uh, I think I'm gonna throw up," Mike said as he dashed out of the movie.

"Mike!" Bella whispered loudly as she ran after him. Jacob turned to look at me and I mouthed the word, pussy. He laughed and we both turned back to the movie sighing. Jacob grabbed Bella's things as Ava grabbed the food and they left the dark cinema. Catching up to Bella outside the Men's bathroom Jacob handed her the jacket and bag he'd picked up off the ground.

"What a marshmallow," Ava said making them all laugh.

"Bell's I think you should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone that laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit." Jacob said and they all laughed again.

"Yeah, I'll keep my eye open for that," Bella replied. "I feel bad you know, he probably has that flu that's going around," Bella said as they reached the stairs. Ava didn't miss Jacob grabbing her hand, or that fact that she let it go. Jacob stared at Bella's hand leaving his.

"What I can't hold your hand?" He asked, his temper showing slightly. Ava remembered this from when they were younger, he would throw little fits when something didn't go his way. It was quite funny actually, but not now. She then pulled out her phone and pretended to be doing anything else other than listening.

"Of course you can. I just think it means something different to you." Bella smiled up at him nervously.

"Okay well tell me something, you like me right?" Bella nodded silently. "And you think I'm sort of beautiful." Ava tried not to laugh at this.

"Jake please, don't do this." Jacob sighed as Bella sat on the stairs. They had forgotten Ava was there.

"Why?" He asked.

"Cause you're about to ruin everything. And I need you."

"Well I've got loads of time, I'm not gonna give up."

"I don't want you to, but it's just cause I don't want you to go anywhere." They stared at each other and Ava realized she had finished with the popcorn, and listening to the conversation, so she decided to walk to the bin. She got back to the pair just as Mike did.

"Well, I need to go home." Jake gave him a weird look. "I was feeling sick before the movie okay?" He explained as if he had too. Jacob then huffed a laugh at Mike's expense of a reason. "What is your problem?" He asked again raising his voice slightly.

"Right now you're my problem." Bella and Ava exchanged worried looks. "Feeling sick? Well, maybe you need to go to the hospital. You want me to put you in the hospital?" Jacob asked getting up and walking towards Mike.

"Jake, Jake, Jake." Bella and Ava both repeated while Bella pushed him back with a hand on his chest. "The movies over, what are you doing?" Ava finished for her.

Bella then grabbed his fist,"You're really hot." Ava rolled her eyes,"You feel like you have a fever, are you okay?"

"I don't know what's happening. I gotta go." He then stormed off, nearly running into Ava on his way out. The three watched him leave and when they turned back to each other Mike mumbled,"That dude is weird." And Ava couldn't help but agree.

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