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Emily and Ava jumped as the front door slammed open.

"God if that stupid leech hadn't of jumped onto our land I would've had her!" Paul roared walking into the room. Sam came in behind him and made a face at Ava as if to say 'calm him down'.

"What happened?" Ava asked walking towards him. They met halfway and Paul immediately hugged her, he smelt her and calmed down slightly. She was okay so everything was okay.

"That stupid leech-"

"Which one?" Ava asked cutting Paul off in the middle of his sentence.

"The buff one." Ava nodded, so it was Emmett.

"What did he do?" She asked as he sat on a chair at the table. He pulled her down so she was sitting on his lap and nuzzled his head into her neck.

"We were tracking Victoria and she was going between territories. She jumped over to ours just as Emmett did too and he and Paul collided. Ava nodded looking over at Paul. She held his face in her hands and leant in to kiss him. After they pulled away Ava got up to go help Emily start dishing out dinner.

"So who wants dinner?" Emily asked changing the subject.

"Me!" The boys yelled in sync making Emily and Ava laugh.


"Hey look who's back." Ava heard Embry say as she walked towards the door of Emily's small house.

"What's up Bella?" Ava looked back at Emily and rolled her eyes.

"Quil, you too?" She asked him surprised.

"Yep, finally made the pack." Ava walked out the front door. Bella smiled up at her but Ava just kept a blank face. She stood standing behind the boys on the deck.

"I'm glad you're here Bella, maybe we can get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue." Ava smiled at this, she had heard from Paul that it was bad.

"I wish Bella would call." Paul teased.

"I wish Bella wouldn't call," Jared added in.

"Maybe I should call Bella," Embry said.

"Maybe I should call Bella and hang up." Quil ended. Then they all started laughing wildly.

"Maybe you shouldn't make fun of Jake, it's not good for the soul," Ava said walking down and standing next to Paul. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

Leah walked out after that, death glaring Bella as she walked.

"Bella this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter." Jake explained. Ava looked up at Paul and saw him frown.

"Hey. I'm really sorry about your father." Bella said.

"If you're here to torture Jacob and Ava some more feel free to leave." Ava smiled at Leah when their eyes met and she smiled back as she walked away. Bella looked back to Ava and the rest of the guys.

"Fun, isn't she?" Jake added in. Ava glared at him.

"Bella?" Emily questioned as she came down the stairs.

"Oh hey," Bella said smiling.

"I was wondering when we'd see you here again." They hugged and Ava watched Sam nod at Jacob.

"Sam, we good?"

"Yeah, we're good. She won't be getting through our line anytime soon." He smiled at her as he hugged Emily.

"Cool." The boys all laughed and headed back inside. Ava went to follow after but took one last glimpse at everyone. Jacob, Bella then Sam. When hers and Sams eyes met they exchanged an understanding. Ava had told him it was okay to have Bella there as she felt it was easier for everyone if she just ignored her. She then held her hand out for Emily and the two girls went inside.

"That was intense." She shot a questioning look at Emry when he said that.

"What was intense?" She asked confused.

"That. You and her." She just rolled her eyes and followed Emily into the kitchen.


"Hey, hey, let me put it on the table first!" Ava yelled at Quil and Embry who were stealing food off the plate before she could put it down. "You're brothers have to eat too." Embry looked up at her with a mouth full of food and smiled.

"Ew Embry!" She yelled smiling and pushed his face away from her.

"Hey, beautiful." She heard as arms snaked around her waist. She giggled and spun in his arms.

"Hi." She said before their lips met.

"Ew!" Embry and Quil said in sync. She smiled into the kiss and turned to face them, sticking her tongue out at their childish behaviour. She turned back to Paul and took his hand. They walked out to the fire and sat down.

"Why is she here?" Leah whispered from next to her. Ava looked up to see Bella and Jake talking. She just shrugged and rolled her eyes. "How are you so calm about that, if she did that to me I'd be so mad."

"Because, Leah, I'm not a werewolf and I don't get mad like you guys do." Leah smiled as Ava nudged her.

"Shhh," Seth said sitting down next to Leah. "It's starting."

Leah and Ava just kept laughing to themselves.


"Pfft. Of course, they're rich." Embry huffed as he followed Jacob through the Cullen's front door. Ava smiled and nudged him slightly.

"Paul's worried about you." Quil looked over at Ava. She just rolled her eyes and followed Jake up the stairs.

"He's always worried," Ava said as they reached the top of the stairs. The four of them looked around until they saw Bella.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asked.

"You invited me remember?" Jake questioned.

"Was my right hook too subtle for you? That was me uninviting you."

Look, Bella, i'm sorry, about you know, the kiss and your hand. I'd blame it on the whole inner animal thing but it's really just, yeah. I was an ass and I'm sorry." They exchanged a smile. Ava, Embry and Quil just stood watching.

"I bought you something," Jake said as he pulled out a bracelet and handed it to her. Ava had helped him pick it out. "A graduation present.

"I didn't get a graduation present." Ava huffed turning to Embry as he laughed. Jake, even though he had heard her, ignored that comment and continued on.

"I made it myself."

"You made this?" Jake nodded. "It's really pretty. Thanks." Bella then stopped and looked past everyone. They all turned around to see Alice on the stairs in some trance.

"I'll be right back," Bella said as she pushed past Jake. "Alice what did you see?"

"What's she saying?" Ava whispered to Embry.

"Shhhhh." He and Quil replied while Jake stepped forward.

"What's going on?"

"You're not going to Seattle." Alice shook her head.

"They're coming here," Alice said shocked.

"Oh shit," Quil said looking at Ava.

"What? What's happening?"

"The battle's happening here and Paul's freaking out, I can hear him," Embry answered. After that, she was rushed outside by the two as Paul's car pulled up in front of them. He jumped out and hugged her immediately.

"What's going on?" She questioned.

"We gotta get out of here baby." He replied getting into the car. They drove away from the Cullen's house both tense and extremely confused.

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