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Ava woke up in the best-worst mood. She felt amazing after the night before but stress and anxiety about the day ahead ate away at her. She woke up in Paul's warm embrace and they stayed like this until it was time to get up.

Ava stepped out of the warm bed onto the cold floor. Everything in the room was freezing, why had they left the window open? Swearing to herself, she walked over to the window and closed it. She looked over at Paul and saw he was already looking at her. She smiled and walked past the bed into the bathroom.

Paul joined her in the shower, his back faced the faucet and her back against his chest. He cleaned her body and kissed her bare skin. As much as he tried, he couldn't wash the anxiety off her. He could smell it and it was annoying him that he couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Ava." He said while kissing her, his lips on her bare shoulder.

"Hmmm." She replied.

"I love you." She turned in his arms.

"I love you too. Be careful today Paul, please be careful. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you this far in." He smiled at her words.

"I've got you whipped." He smirked.

"Paul!" She giggled. "I'm being serious!"

"I know I'm sorry, I will be extremely careful." She nodded at this. They got out and got changed after that.

Ava was wearing Paul's oversized sweater and some tights. She needed to feel like he was hugging her like he was there. They had driven to Sue Clearwater's house and were saying goodbye.

"I'll be back before you know it." Paul offered to hold onto her hips. She stood on the step so they were at eye level. "Besides, if anything happens Seth's here and he has the link."

"But nothing's going to happen."

"No, nothing Ava I promise."

"Okay, you protect yourself Paul, and please protect your brothers."

"Always." With that said they exchanged one last kiss and he drove off to Emily's where they were all meeting.

Seth walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Come on Ava, they'll be fine. Now, let's go eat some cookies!" Ava smiled at Seth's antics but she didn't think she could keep anything down.


"It just started," Seth said. Ava sat up straighter and stared at the boy.

"And?" She asked.

"And that's it, they're fighting," Seth replied.

"Okay, but is anyone hurt."

"No Ava, I'll tell you if someone gets hurt only if you stop asking me every five seconds." So Ava did. She waited for what felt like hours until.

"Oh God," Seth said standing up.

"What?" Ava's heart stopped. She stood up, pushing the book off her lap and onto the floor.

"It's Jake, he's been hurt." Ava gasped. "They've defeated Victoria and all the other newborns. No one else is hurt other than Jake."

"How bad is it?" Ava asked. Seth shook his head.

"It's excruciating. I can feel it." Ava grabbed her keys and started putting on her shoes.

"Where are you going?" Seth asked.

"To the Black's, they'll take him there." Seth followed her into the car and they drove to the Black's.

Ava stopped the car just as she saw them carrying Jacobs body inside. He was screaming in pain. The Cullen's followed after him, only Carlisle going inside. Ava stared at the doorway and watched all the boys come out until she saw Paul. Tears welled in her eyes when she saw him. He looked up and gave her that stupid smirk he always did. He started walking towards her the same time she started running. They collided and he picked her up, spinning her around.

"I told you I'd be back." He mumbled into her neck.

"Shut up you big dummy." She laughed. They pulled away and Paul wiped her tears away.

The sound of Jacobs cries brought them out of their trance.

"Is he going to be okay?" Ava asked as they started walking back to the crowd.

"Yeah he'll heal, it'll take a while but he'll do it," Paul said looking down at the short girl.

"Paul?" Ava asked looking up at him.

"Yes, baby?"

"I love you Wolf-boy."

"I love you too, Princess."

Howl • Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now