21|| Pawn to F4

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21|| Pawn to F4

Hermione does not see much of Tom Riddle in the leading days of the coming week, not surprising given his described task in studying Dumbledore.  She throws herself completely into her studies, not batting an eyelash at the looks Lupin sends her nor one comment at any company other than Tom.  And despite his busyness, Tom is easily able to keep up with Hermione in class, her time spent studying books and his, studying Dumbledore.  Her magic becomes stronger through knowledge in all fields of Hogwarts studies, coming to match Tom's easily enough and soon exceeding it in some fields, notably not the Dark Arts.

Wednesday night brings about the first Patronus lesson for the Knights of Walpurgis, and it goes down remarkably horribly.  The whole of Tom's forces lack the power of their leader, learning much slower than said student and showing near-to-no potential for ever being able to produce a Patronus.  Indeed, the only follower with some sense of potential is Abraxas, so enamoured with Clary that he seems to glow in happiness.  It is not a surprise to Hermione, but she is overwhelmingly grateful, for it shows Tom that Hermione has not completely failed in this week's task.  But moreover, her other failures prove the superiority of Harry over Hermione when it comes to teaching.  There was something about the way he spoke to the D.A. that empowered their greatness, whereas Hermione's words just seem bossy.  Then again, her followers have less of a wish and need to learn than the teenagers of her own time.

Friday morning arrives precisely on time, providing a bore of a Defense Against the Dark Arts class with lectures, notes, and chattering students.  Beside Hermione, Tom sits, avidly recording the words of the teacher and copying the board, never once pausing upon recognition that he already knows the material.  And Hermione does the same, the two students perfect in academics and unmatched by many generations of students at Hogwarts.

But soon, Merrythought is droning off on a tangent about grindylows, far different from the topic at hand, and the two bookworms are left to a small break in the very intense class.  Hermione, her mind wandering momentarily to Tom's personal task, leans over to his ear, unnoticed by all but Tom himself given her sly subtlety.

"Has anything happened with Dumbledore?" she whispers, her breath brushing against his skin but sending no shivers down his body, given the sheer preparedness he always withholds

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"Has anything happened with Dumbledore?" she whispers, her breath brushing against his skin but sending no shivers down his body, given the sheer preparedness he always withholds.  Turning his head to respond, Tom's face nearly burrows into her hair, mouth almost touching the shell of her ear and promptly causing gooseflesh to erupt across her neck and face.

"Nott has yet to report anything unusual," he responds, equally quiet but nearly imperceivable given Hermione's diluted senses at his close contact with her skin.

"Nott?" Hermione catches after a moment's thought, confused at the boy's place in Tom's plan to spy on Dumbledore.  "I thought you were spying."

"I have had other tasks," Tom remarks, moving slightly away and to a more professional distance near the edge of her hair.  "Nott's taken over."

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