49|| Knight to F1

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49|| Knight to F1

After a side-along-Apparition that leaves the quartet in a particularly queasy bit of nausea, their stomachs twist and turn even more powerfully upon the sight which meets their eyes, despite never having seen it before. The white plantation-style home is massive in all entirety, a perfectly gleaming pearl despite the dark weather and state of the distraught world. In certain corners, ivy creeps up the walls in what ought to be a bit of nature's dominance over man. And yet, it is not this, with the ivy trimmed to fit the facade of the home and property. Yew hedges circle the home, a large metal fence splitting the quartet and Snatchers from those creeping plants. But perhaps the strangest bit of irony and spite are the albino peacocks, clicking their way across the grasses, and yet, with an ease that even they know that evil resides in this house. Malfoy Manor, home of the Malfoys and the residence of the Dark Lord. Great.

"What did you put on me?" Harry whispers from beside Hermione, the two making a row ahead of Tom and Ron, close enough to hear every single movement of the other. Hermione seems in a confused and terrified daze, watching the peacocks with a particularly distraught look, like they are ghosts of those killed in this household. Tom wouldn't doubt it, truth be told.

"A Stinging Jinx," Tom answers for her, knowing that Hermione is not fit for conversation in this situation

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"A Stinging Jinx," Tom answers for her, knowing that Hermione is not fit for conversation in this situation. Indeed, if not for his particular skill set of manipulation and magic, Tom would be diluted by anxiety as well. But as it so happens, very few people have beat Tom in any game they've played.

"How long will it last?" Harry asks again.

This time it is Hermione who responds to Harry, turning her head with weariness and worry, "Not long."

The Boy Who Lived's glasses gleam in the moonlight of upper Scotland, within the hand of Hermione Jean Granger who's miraculously kept them hidden from the searching Snatchers. Surely, it is a needed move, given Harry's practical blindness without said spectacles, but Tom wishes Hermione had hidden their bag of supplies somewhere, seeing as a Snatcher now carries the Sword of Gryffindor. That cannot be good.

Harry's hand subtly reaches out to palm the glasses from Hermione's hand. He takes them into his own pocket, slowing his pace with the Snatchers as they finally reach the massive gate leading into the Malfoy home. What comes as a surprise to Tom is the three people waiting at the gate--seeing as the home looked deserted, minus the peacocks, of course. And though he's never seen these people before, the three are notable in entirety and it has Tom gripping for any hope.

The first is a woman, her hair a mix of blacks and whites, notable for this reason and the upright posture she holds. Narcissa Malfoy, the wife of Lucius Malfoy and mother of Draco Malfoy, born Black. Then there is her husband, Lucius Malfoy looking positively intoxicated, exhausted, and battle-worn, not that there is any pity held for him. But all the matter, he looks more like a lowly wizard than a Pureblood heir.

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