66|| Bishop to H3

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66|| Bishop to H3

Tom Riddle cannot particularly remember a boat house at Hogwarts, and given his almost impeccable memory, it only serves to reassure him that there wasn't one during his time. And he understands why as the building comes into focus, looking unused for some time, likely months since the First Years arrived. For a building so well covered in glass, it is darker than the night itself, the interior beams and walls shadowed and dingy with mold and grub, a sight which almost foretells what is to happen.

The four heroes pick their way closer to the boat house, careful not to make any noise given Voldemort's expected proximity and the fact he likely has the hard-hearing of Nagini by his side. So, they move slower than necessary, tucking themselves beneath boxes and behind trees until they are pressed against the opaque windows of the building, hidden deep within shadow in hopes they will not be seen. It'd be quite anticlimactic if they were.

Pressed slightly onto their toes in a crouched position, the quartet peer through the dingy windows and into the old shack, at first seeing nothing but then something of startling appearance to three. Ron and Hermione have been hearing about the appearance of Voldemort from Harry for three years: his snakelike face, lacking nose, pale skin, and horribly blue eyes. And yet, to see the animation of just an idea is a horrendous moment, the tip of the Elder Wand shining onto his figure and through the foggy window as he steps out from the shadows, previously unseen.

But more than the other two, Tom Riddle is horrified by what he sees: himself in another fate. Hermione had hinted at his appearance, but Tom never quite grasped the sheer terror of his visage and whether it was preferred by his other self. But, now, Tom cannot see why he would want to look this way other than to evoke fear...which very well may be the truth. His once dark and luscious hair is now nothing more than a pale scalp, the alabaster skin now translucent and especially in the light. His full lips and statuesque nose are all but diminished, especially the latter with the nostril slits left behind. Indeed, the only thing still fitting of his appearance is his stature--tall and lean--and his chiseled features. However, Tom Riddle is not struck by the similarities, but the difference in his eyes: in the past he had green and occasionally red eyes. How in the world did his eyes become an innocent blue, unfitting of his calling?

In the end, Tom Riddle is pleased that the window is between his two selves, masking some of the horrors of the monster's creation

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In the end, Tom Riddle is pleased that the window is between his two selves, masking some of the horrors of the monster's creation.

The Dark Lord steps forward with only the slight swaying of his wand, eyes tensely focused on another figure, again basked in shadow: Severus Snape. The Headmaster seems tense, but no more than usual, and Tom easily predicts this is how the man always looks. But nonetheless, Tom has to praise the Slytherin for his unlikely strength in facing Voldemort, such a horrid sight for a man reborn.

"Why doesn't it work for me?" Voldemort hisses and Tom cringes, that voice being so similar to his own, yet different enough to prompt only suspicion, not guarantee. But to the extent that the voice truly affects him--a reminder of his past flaws--Tom focuses on the intent of this other self, knowing only he can truly understand what is going on.

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