28|| Pawn to H5

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28|| Pawn to H5

Hermione Granger's days without Tom Riddle are lonelier than she would like to admit. And, in effect, it's as if she is back in her own time, spending hours in the library, alone, due to the disappearance of her one intellectual equal. Given, Hermione is a very competitive witch, liking to be best in everything she does and especially academics. Yet, she finds herself missing the company of an academic equal, Tom's knowledge of most things rivalling hers and serving as great conversation support when schoolwork is simply not enough.

So, she spends her hours reading up on everything Tom Riddle: from the Gaunt family bloodline to the creation of horcruxes. Without him always leaning over her shoulder in suspicion, it is easier to do just this, but something of the danger in Tom's lurking is charming to his spirit. Perhaps it is his curiosity, much like hers, that makes her heart warm at the idea of his presence, always near her. But then again, it could be for other reasons entirely.

Obviously, Hermione cannot stop thinking of the Dark Lord. From the way his hair is always a perfect picture of his facade to the raging storms in his dark eyes, Tom Riddle is simply a vision to her female eyes and curiosity. Even when he is being invasive--attempting Legilimency and all--Hermione cannot help liking the boy's company and genuine charm of his character, hidden behind bloodlust so well.

Sunday evening arrives slowly, though it obviously does. With the students returned from break and her peace disturbed, Hermione takes to the Room of Requirement some twenty minutes before midnight. She is surprised to see others already there, obviously as tense as her, though they pay her little mind as they speak quietly. The others dawdle in as time approaches twelve, Hermione watching them from her standing position by the fire and with increasing anxiety as midnight hits. And then it is 12:01, and Tom Riddle is not here.

"It appears that our Lord is indisposed at the moment, so I will be leading this meeting," Hermione's words break the silence, the others looking at her with the wide eyes of surprise, stunned that Tom would allow an inferior to run a meeting. But then again, is Hermione truly Tom's inferior?


She speaks too soon, though it is now 12:02, with the door to the Room brushing open and leaving the silence to the clicking soles of Tom's shoes. He seems in a rush, though not expressed in a reddened face, but with sharp eyes and hurried feet. And, revealing himself to light, Hermione is surprised to see a cut reaching down Tom's eyebrow, breaking up the handsome facade but making him look more dangerous in contrast. Before she can realize it, Hermione has concern stretched across her face, Tom eying her at that moment with some sort of surprise at her care. But he turns back to the others.

"Good, you've started," his voice hisses, taking his stance in front of the fire. "Lestrange?"

It takes the boy some seconds to return to reality, the whole leadership scene overwhelming to the routine-driven Knights. "Uh--" he coughs awkwardly, "the Durmstrang potentials would like to meet with you on the first of June."

"Tell them that will work. In Hogsmeade." Tom orders, not seeming especially tense today, but more forgiving and short than normal. "Nott?"

"Grindelwald is now travelling quickly in a southern direction. If he continues at this pace, he'll reach Hogwarts in two weeks. Dippet has yet to inform guardians."

"That idiot," Tom barks with serious disgust at the Headmaster. The last thing Tom needs is to be thrown out of the school before he graduates, left to his own devices on the dirty streets of Muggle London. But he pushes through. "Black?"

Veal & Venison {Tomione || 1940s/1990s}Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu