Her story

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Little did I know that my life would become a nightmare

That day I lost everything...
My dad...
My mom...
My brother...
My friends...
And My pack...

I was left alone with no one to talk to

Everything was taken from me...
My family/pack
My happiness
My title
Wanting to live

Sometimes I wonder what I'm still doing here

Should I stay or should I go?

The things they say to me...
Your worthless...
Your just a waste of space...
Just kill yourself....
Your a killer...

Was I really?

I'm not needed...no...I'm not wanted

Maybe they are right...

I'm running out of strength to keep alive

I guess I finally understand...I was never meant to be born or come to exist...

All I ever wanted was:
A loving family
A place to call home
To be happy
To want to live

But I guess that was just to much to ask for....

I'm getting tired of all this......

They Called Her Broken (Can A Broken Soul Be Fixed)Where stories live. Discover now