Chapter: 15

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Its been Three days since I told them my dark past. I have felt a bit better. Both Gaby and Logan did not judge me but they have become more over protective of me. My 17th birthday is tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous of shifting again. Talking about my birthday and shifting I have to tell Logan.

Right now I am in our bed room bored as ever. I get off the bed and head out the room to make my way to my mates office. I knock then walk in. I see my handsome mate hard at work reading over all the paperwork. He looks up and smiles at me "hey love do you need anything or did you just miss me?" He said as he winked at me. "Neither I just wanted to tell you something" I said trying sound emotionless "that hurt" he said as he put his hand to his heart. Dramatic much.  I roll my eyes but walk over to him and hug him "I always miss you" I whisper in his ear. He then pulls me so I am sitting on his lap. "So do I. Now tell me what is on your mind love" he said playing with my hair.

"Logan you know how I  told you that I shifted at the age of three" he nods so I continued "well tomorrow I am going to shift again. My wolf will change and develop powers." I say "How come?" He asked confused " well tomorrow is my birthday. Mom told me that on my 17th birthday I would shift again and get powers and a few other changes" I said leaning on his chest.

"I thought your mother didn't know you had shifted?" He said "she doesn't... Wait I didn't tell you...I must have real mother is the Moon goddess" I said looking up at him. It took him a while to process the information "What your the Moon goddess's daughter?" He asked shocked. I just nodded my head. "What did I do to deserve such a powerful and beautiful mate" he said as he hugged me tightly.

"So tomorrow is your birthday....I'll have to start planning your party" I blush and shake my head. "That's not necessary" I say "of course it is the Luna's birthday is a very important thing and I will also be a good way for you to met the pack" he said kissing my forehead. "Okay if you say so but you have much more important things to do other than planning a party for me" I say. It been years since I have had a part thrown for me. I stopped caring about things that had to do with me and my birthday was one of them. "No thing is more important than my beautiful mate" Logan said as he made me look at him.

A tear escaped my eye and Logan looked at me with a worried expression "what's wrong love?" I just shake my head "its nothing I'm just so happy that you care so much about me that you believe that I am the most important thing to you" I say as I put my head on his shoulder. "Love I will never get tired of telling you how important you are not only to me but for the pack. You are strong not only because of the blood that flows threw you but because all these years you have been able to survive the torture you went threw...that is why I admire you and so will the pack" he said causing me to look at him wrap my arms around his neck and peck is lips "thank you-" I didn't get to finish because Logan had crashed his lips in to mine. I was shocked but then recovered and kissed him back. I love him so much!

Mom what did I do to deserve a loving mate such as him........ 

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