Chapter: 16

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The next day I woke up with someone jumping up and down on the bed which scared me. "Wake up sleepy head we have to go shopping...its your birthday why don't we go shopping" Gaby said as I sat up and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I glared at her and lied by down bring the blanket over my head.

"Oh no you don't" with that being said she pulled my blanket and pushed me off the bed. Making me fall of and land on my back. "Can't a girl sleep, I don't care if its my birthday" I said getting up. Gaby walked up to me and raised her hand and as instinct I flinch and close my eyes. "Joy look at me" I look at her "did you think I was going to hit you...I thought you had gotten know...I thought you trusted know we would never hurt you" she said hurt by my reaction

"S-sorry I do trust you, but something's I do it on instinct....I won't forget the fear I went threw for still hunts me I'm just trying to ignore it." I say looking down. What I said I true I will always be that broken girl. I'm just trying to get the people that I care for to stop worrying about me.

She hugged me tightly then let go telling me to get ready to go shopping. Once she left I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I looked in the mirror and saw a girl not just any girl , but a broken girl that only pretended to be fine and out going. The type of girl that lies about her feelings and everyone believes she is getting past the darkness and stepping into the light. I knew that that girl was me. The only problem was that I am a prisoner of the darkness. Chained to my past and scared of my future. These couple of weeks I made them believe I was doing fine and getting better but was I Today is my birthday the day I didn't care about. The day I would shift again and change. I knew this day was going to be a long one mostly with my lie that had been discovered....


Today is my loves birthday and I had everything planned out for her party. I was in my office when Gaby came in with a hurt and worried expression. "What's wrong Gaby?" I asked as I walked up to her and hugged her. "Its Joy" she said in a whisper "what about her" I asked getting worried "she's been lying to us...she doesn't trust us enough to show her true colors" she said as I looked at her confused "what do you mean?" I say as I pull her to the couch "when I woke her up she was acting like what we thought was her normal self, but when I raised my hand to touch her she flinched and closed her eyes like if I was going to hit her...she said that it was an instinct and that she is still scared of her past that still hunts her" she said

I knew something was off about her but I didn't put much care to it, since I always saw her smiling or laughing. But I guess she really doesn't trust us much to tell us she is still afraid. "Gaby let's keep talking about this tomorrow with her today its her birthday I want to show her how important she is to me and the pack. So take her out as we planned and come back later on to give her a surprise." I tell her as I go back to my desk to make some phone calls "okay we will be back around 2-3 o'clock. Till then try to survive without her" she said trying to lighten up the mood "I don't think I can so why don't we switch places and I go shopping with her and you plan the party" I say with a small smile "Nope" was all she said as she walked out the door. So not fair. I guess I should hurry and get things ready for the Luna's birthday party. I hope she likes it.

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