Chapter: 1

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I was in the backyard playing with my dolls when I heard a growl coming from the woods. My attention quickly snapped to a pair of red glowing eyes. I slowly stood up and backed away, my heart was beating faster and faster. The red eyes came closer and closer to then reveal a big brown wolf. It growls at me showing its sharp canines. 

I stood there frozen in fear. I didn't know what to do. My fear prevented me from yelling for help. 

 All I could think of was  'daddy help me!'

'princess what's wrong I can feel your fear'  dads voice rang in my mind

'I'm scared.. a big wolf is coming toward me' 

'where are you?' 

'I..I'm in the backyard please hurry' 

I try to maintain as calm as possible as I keep watching those threatening eyes.

As I took another step back the wolf snarled and came running full force in my direction. I let out a scream as I turned to run. Not a moment later a familiar big black wolf came and tackled it before it even got to me. 

They both fought violently till finally my dad took the wolf by the neck and snapped it. 

I ran to dad and hugged him by his furry neck, he then shifted back to human form and pulled me into a hug. 

"I'm glad you're safe princess" His words were soothing and full of relief.

As he said this he could no longer kneel and fell to the ground.  What was wrong? I quickly scan his body only to start crying as I saw blood.

"d-daddy"  My words weren't coming out.

"shhh, princess don't cry I love you." He raised his hand to firmly cup my cheek as I looked at him with teary eyes

"Tell your mother that I love her and always will and also tell your brother that I know he will become a great Alpha," he says as he wipes my tears 

What was he saying?! He was an Alpha he was going to be okay...he's going to be okay...right?

"one more thing promise me...promise that you will always be yourself no matter what...promise me that you will always be the princess I know now," he said 

"I..I...I promise daddy...b-but why are-" I said but was quickly cut off by his voice 

"Stay strong remember what I thought you" were his last words before his grip was no longer there. 

"No daddy! Please wake up! Don't leave me alone! Daddy please" I whimpered as I held his hand against my face.

Then I felt it. Something immensely painful.

My connection to dad broke and I guess the whole pack did as well because my brother, mother, and pack members ran to where I was with dad. 

"what happened here" yelled my brother as he ripped me off of our dad's body 

"I was here playing (sniff) when a rogue came and (sniff) attack me. Then dad came (sniff) and saved me b...but" I couldn't finish and started to cry. 

I looked over to mom and saw her crying seeing her mate dead 

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" my brother yelled as he pushed me to the floor and kicked me in the stomach a few times before some pack members pulled him away from me.

Why did he-


(Dream over)

My alarm went off.

It was only just a more like a memory.....

I slowly make my way to the bathroom to take a shower, the water is cold but it was all I had since my brother I mean Alpha said I didn't deserve hot water. There isn't much I can do about it since I'm a nobody.

 I got out of the shower and put on my oversized clothes and walked downstairs to cook breakfast for the whole pack. Our pack wasn't small but it wasn't the biggest either we had at least 315 people so that meant more work for me and only me I didn't have anyone to help me.

 I guess you would like to know the name of my pack we are called 'the half moon pack' we are also the third strongest pack in the world not bad right, well I better get started cooking.

After I finished all the cooking I ran to my 'room' so no one could see me or hear me. If they do they hurt me for their fun. They don't care about what I feel or what happens to me as long as they make my life a living hell. 

The older I get the worse the pack treats me but I guess it can't be helped, can it? 

Like on my 10th birthday I was in the kitchen washing the dishes as always and don't think that anyone wished me a happy birthday nope I just got more work and a beating. Anyways I was humming happy birthday to myself and making a bubble cake I giggled as I played around. 

I then grabbed a glass cup and it slipped out of my hands. The glass shattered into pieces and at that moment my bro-Alpha walked in and saw the broken glass. He can up to me and growled and he grabbed a handful of my hair and pushed my face into the broken glass cutting my face. I wanted to cry but didn't. I know that if I did something much worse was going to happen. He told me I was an ungrateful bit** then he took me outside and started to cut my skin with silver. It hurt but I had to stay strong. That day was the last time I sang myself a happy birthday.

Once I was back in my room I sat down on a chair by the window looking out to the backyard. I saw kids playing and having a great time, it reminded me of how I used to be when I was small. I had every little girl's dream but then it turned into a nightmare no one wishes for.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality, I get up and open the door only to reveal my bro-Alpha yeah Alpha 

"Goodmorning Alpha Jared, can I help you with anything?...oh and happy birthday" I say sweetly although he treats me like trash he is still my big brother 

"don't give me that crap. I want you to clean the place up and fix it for a party I'm having is that clear" he said harshly 

"yes Alpha" I smile and bow my head. He then pushes me, kicks me, and walks out without looking back.

I pick myself up and slowly wake into the bathroom to clean myself up. I looked into the mirror just to find a girl with dull eyes and with dark shadows under them, she had dark hair with no life and bruised-up skin. Just a couple of years ago this same girl was full of life. Everyone admired her for her looks and her personality, they thought of her as a princess that had to be always kept safe and away from harm. But I guess some dreams don't last long enough to enjoy them.

Now I just accept my fate. No questions asked.

I walk out of the room and go clean up after the pack that either went to school or work. For who I was I wasn't allowed to go to school, but that was alright with me since everyone left I would usually get the pack house to myself and I would finish my chores fast and go to the library dad had shown me. No one else knew about it. I read every book that was in there and some I had read twice or more. I try to make sure that I am not caught or else they will kill me and I mean literally. They just don't know how it feels to be left alone with no one to turn to.

My mom wants nothing to do with me and that goes with the whole pack as well. I wonder why don't they just get rid of me instead of making me suffer. Haven't they done enough for me? They just can't wait to see me finally broken..... I mean I can't even walk anywhere without thinking that I will bump into someone that will hurt me. You might even tell your selves 'Why are you so stupid? Why don't I run away?' I would but deep inside I feel like they will someday stop and notice that what they did and are doing was wrong, but I just hope that by that time it's not too late.

But just so you know their time is running out.....and so is mine.....just one more big thing and I'll break.......

It will be over soon...

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