Chapter 18

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I open my eyes to brightness, groaning, and shutting them once again. This time I open the slower and scan my surroundings. I don't remember much from last night, just talking to Tyler and that bitch. After that is pretty much a blur. Obviously the part I forgot wasn't very good. I'm in a fucking jail cell.

"CarlyAnne Spears?" I look at the police officer who's at the gate of the cell I'm sharing with some other people. Some of them look like they were also from the party.

"Yes?" I mumble.

"We're going to need to talk to you." I nod getting up from the bench I'm on. I walk over to the gate and walk through it, following the officer into a room.

"What are we in here for?" I ask, opening my big mouth. I should just stay quiet.

"For questioning. I'm Officer Brown and I'm going to ask you about last night. You were at the party at 34, Frontier Lane," I nod, "And you were drinking?" I nod again. There's no use in lying, I'm sure they did a breathalyzer last night,"Okay, were you aware of the drugs?" I shake my head.

"No sir."

"Well, we've found a bit of information about you. Your name wasn't in the records, but a Zackary Spears was. Do you have any relation to him?" I'm very confused. Why was Zack ever in jail? I slowly nod my head.

"Yeah, he's my brother."

"Okay, well since you seem like a good young lady, we are going to let you off with a warning. This means don't drink. It is very illegal for someone your age and you can end up in a bad situation." I nod.

"Thank you Officer." I say relieved.

"But, you will need to call an adult to come get you." I nod.

Walking over to the phone, I decide that I should call the number I know by heart. I dial Lanna and she picks up on the second ring.


"Lanna, come get me, I'm at the police station. I'll explain later."

"Carly, I definitely need an explanation, but I'll be there in five." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah." And with that she hangs up on me. I do too and wait five minutes for her to come pick me up. After a long five minutes she finally comes and Officer Brown calls my name. Exiting the cell, I smile sheepishly at Lanna, who's glaring at me.

"What's the relation to this woman?" The officer asks.

"My aunt." I easily lie.

"Okay, Ms, I need you to fill out some papers and you will be on your way." Lanna nods and follows the officer to a room. I sit down on a bench. Boy am I glad to be getting out of here. I sit and scan the area. Officers are walking around with a lot of kids from the party and some other criminals. One kid catches my eye in particular. Zander. He's not like the other kids who were being walked around, he's handcuffed and being thrown back into a jail cell. My eyes widen as his eyes meet mine. Did he have to do with the drugs? He is the bad boy after all. His dad is a drug dealer. Oh god. He breaks eye contact, but I keep staring. What did he do?

"Okay Carly, you ready?" I look up at Lanna and then back at Zander.

"Lanna, I'll pay you twice as much if you will bail Zander out. I know I sound ridiculous right now, but he did something-" Lanna cuts off my ramble.

"I'll see what I can do." My eyes widen and I hug Lanna. Even if I was done with Zander, I'm not going to leave him to rot in a jail cell. I know his father won't bail him out.

About half an hour later, Lanna comes back with Zander by her side. I mouth a thank you to her.

"Remember, you're doubling my paycheck." She says and I chuckle, following her back into the partying lot. We get in her car, Lanna driving, me in the passenger seat, and the speechless Zander in the back. I turn on the radio to make the car ride less awkward, but I think that just made it more awkward.

"Just let me out here." Zander says. Lanna nods and pulls over. Zander gets out of the car, mumbling a quick 'thanks', and we pull away.

"Explanation!" Lanna yells and I turn down the radio.

"Geez woman, calm down. Gosh, I think you blew my eardrum. I was at a party and the cops came." She stares at me.

"That's it?" She asks.

"That's it." I conclude.

"Then what the hell was Zander doing there? What the fuck? I thought we were done with Zander Carly. We can't go around with him. He seems dangerous, for you and me.

"He was just at the party too. I was not there with him. Okay, calm down."

"Then why did I have to use money to bail him out. You didn't need to be bailed out."

"I was let off with a warning, I don't know why Zander wasn't, but come on, it's Zander."

"Well you're lucky I answered the phone, or else you would have never heard the end of it from your parents. But next time, know what parties are cop parties. I know you know how to tell the difference. Now get out." It's now that I realize that we are pulled up outside my house.

"Thank you, love you." I yell as I exit the car and walk to my front door. I get inside and plop on the couch, exhausted. As I'm about to lay down, I get a buzz. I look at it.

Gigi-hey, are you okay? I ran as fast as a cheetah and got out of there.

Carly-yeah, not so much for me. I had to spend the night in jail, but I'm home now. I guess you could call me a rebel;)

Gigi-good you're okay, but you'll never be a rebel.

I'm not so sure about that Gianna.

Word count:1,040
Hi! I'm back. A week off was nice and Key West was amazing. I made so many new friends which is awesome. I miss them already. I have to be honest and say it was hard to get on Wattpad today and update, but I did it for you guys! So I'm really tired even though I got home yesterday, I just want to sleep so, goodnight.

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Lots of love,

Nerd By Day, Street Fighter By Night (COMPLETED, but editing)Where stories live. Discover now